Brady org: Armalite ready to serve America's extreme psychotics

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What about us California psychotics who aren't gonna benefit from the AWB sunset? What are we to do? :confused:
Ah yes, Don of Don's Guns. Proving once again that Lenin's concept of the useful idiot is still applicable in the modern world.

I went in there once. Every single gun was at least MSRP+
After thinking about it, I bet he's just being a smart businessman. He runs a gun store, talks to the media about how evil the guns are, tells them about how they are no good and the government shouldn't let anyone own them, and in the process gets alot of free advertising. He's obviously not catering to the 2nd Amendment gun enthusiast -- just those that care enough to want the gun they think they aren't suppose to have.
What about us California psychotics who aren't gonna benefit from the AWB sunset? What are we to do?

Wouldn't California psychotics have a valid Equal Protection argument? I mean, clearly this represents an un-level playing field.
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