BREAKING NEWS -- Terror Alert Level To Be Raised To HIGH

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Understand that as a VN vet I am considering supporting Kerry only because this is the last chance to get one of us as President. But I will balance this by supporting Randy Graff for Congress.

Well as a Vietnam vet I guess our votes will cancel each other. I"ll be voting for Bush...........There is no way I can vote for someone whose picture hangs in the Vietnam (commie) hall of hero's. Jokn Kerry is a liar and traitor much worse than Jane fonda. BTW I spent three years in Nam, 1st tour was with the 25th Inf. Div. at Cu Chi.

US Army 1950-1972
Yep, a lot of confusion could be avoided if Ridge simply would explain what the color code means to Joe and Martha Sixpack. I have yet to hear a logic presentation as to what it means for the tax payers. I have also heard it means quite a bit to government agencies.

We are going to get hit. Very quietly some really wierd stuff is going on around the country that is not in the media.

--The lady the caught in McAllen Texas is not just a female AQ goon. She is believed to be the highest rankng female in the organization.

--3 middle eastern types were picked up in Florida headed for NY.

--A small seaport in Florida was closed due to a ship with a suspicious container. News blackout.

--3 weeks ago the Park Service and FBI and other organizations closed the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Media blackout. Local claim to have heard gunfire in large volumes.

--About the same time truck shipments out of the McAllen area headed inland were suspended by the FBI. The fear is AQ etc is trying to land armed combat teams as a unit.

--Lots of unacknowledged rumors about discovered explosives in the NY metro area.

AQ wants a spectacular hit on NY while the spinelessrepublicans have their convention. Fact. P*ssing and moaning about wagging the dog and politicas and 1984 and all that bilge will do nothing to eliminate one bald-faced fact. AQ is coming after us and appears to be throwing the kitchen sink. Grow up children. You may feel smug about expressing doubts about the motives, but I question your grasp on reality.

It is my personal belief Bush would be well advise to publish our nuclear target list in advance of the convention. NY goes away? So does <2 from column A and 3 from column B.> Nuclear deterrence is not an outmoded concept.

Something is going on out there. Thankfully adults are running the show.

take another look at kerry saluting.
that's the best 'anybody else' endorsement i can imagine.
Rather interesting too that a computer glitch grounded coast to coast American Airlines flights this morning. FWIW.
Wait, hearing the same rumblings last week, but I believe Occam's razor cuts through a lot of this.

Sure, small fire teams in white vans armed with hand grenades and RPG7s and PKMs would shut the country down and send the soccermommies clinging to their "protectors", but does The Base really have the infrastructure to pull that off??? Seems to me, they would save their "ammo" for a big haymaker, a soft target, a la Madrid.

Why hit during the convention? Would not waiting until October heighten the impact?

Yes, adults may be running the show, but that's for now. [shudder] Wait, until January [shudder].
Perhaps the recent embassy bombings might have something to do with the heightened security status?

DUBAI, July 30 (Reuters) - An Islamic group claimed responsibility for suicide bombings at the U.S. and Israeli embassies in Uzbekistan which killed two people, according to a statement posted on an Islamist Web site on Friday.

In my neck 'of the woods middleastern types would stand out like a black cat in the snow. Plus, other than a nuclear power plant, there's nothin' here worth blowing up. I am halfway between LA & SF, however, so it would be the mass panicked exodus from either place that might be problematic. :scrutiny:
Malone, an alleged, gun owning, 2nd Amendment supporter, supporting Kerry, shouldn't bring up "tooth fairies". It's silly. ADDED, or one that supports the best chance 3rd party . "NADER FOR GUNS"!:D

Not that I'm doubting you, but how do you know about all of these incidents if the media isn't reporting them?
Right, Justin. It's just a political ploy. There is no terrorist threat. 9/11 never happened. :rolleyes:
This is a hot topic and if we are so divided think of the rest of the country. I did look at the Kerry sites given by you all and am thinking about changing my mind.

I do think that cynicism in a democracy is often healthy but during battle can be devastating. We have been a cynical nation since VN. Actually, Kerry had something to do with it when he accused others of atrocities.
Media does self-censure itself for a host of reasons.

Media can be intimidated into shutting up because their broadcast licenses are controlled by the federales.

Media will ignore stories because it assumes the story does not qualify as news.

There are all kinds of reasons why stories don't make it into the news.

Did you hear of the explosion of an ammonium nitrate plant in Toulouse France just before 911? Made only minor news over here. More than a thousand civilians were killed making it one the larger industrial accidents in recent memory. Not reported was the destruction of electronics equipment for a radius of 2 miles. Any recent attempt to find details is greeted with significantly downplayed information. Shift to a Discovery Channel show on how to protect against terror bombing. Toward the end of the show they showed a screen on a computer detailing pressure curves generated by various terror blasts. Kobar towers, WTC I, OKC and several others. Right in the middle of the array of curves was a curve marked "Toulous."

Seems to me in retrospect Europe was hit with a major terror hit just before 911 and the event was vacuumed from the public record yet bits and pieces remained sufficent to conclude something happened at variance with the official story.

Know and talk to the right people and apply generous amounts of salts and you can draw your own conclusions apart from the official memory hole.
This isn't that complicated. There's a decent chance that something bad, and possibly quite bad, will happen in the next three months. If it does happen, it probably will not directly involve 95+% of us. There's probably nothing that you and I can do to prevent it. So take some sensible precautions like stocking up on food and water and other stuff, and get on with your life. Depending on where you live, and your level of worry, you may choose to step-up the preparations. If you don't know how to prepare, check out any of the websites you can easily find by doing a search. Feel free to PM me if you want some suggestions.

Beyond that, it's business as usual. Take some precautions, make some preparations, and then enjoy your life. It's that simple. There's really nothing else we can do or need to do. I've made my preparations, and now I'm going to live my normal life. Otherwise, the bad guys win without even doing anything.
I just looked at the French site on the Toulouse explosion. There were 22 actually killed and 2,000+ injured. The blast was heard 100 Kilometers away. It could have been terrorism quite easily but was not as devestating as WTC. (One has to wonder what the final count would have been if the second building would have evacuated immediately)
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