Brenneke slugs - cost check

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Feb 12, 2003
... I'm moving on to bigger game now. ok I found some huge nutes.
Anyhow I checked with my local gun shop on the cost of these... $8 for 5 slugs (w0w). I almost said to go ahead and order them.
Does someone here know of a better deal either on line or in Oregon?
I buy them at Bass Pro Shop in Ft Lauderdale for three bucks and change for a box of 5 of the 2 3/4 Rottweil one oz slugs' Every time I visit there, I buy about 5 more boxes.

They probably sell them online at their web site. Eight bucks is a major rip off.
I buy a box everytime I visit a particular shop up this way and have never paid over $3.00 a box.
Nutes aren't armored plated, 2 3/4" slugs of any style will do the job. I'd benchtest a few brands for the tightest group and then buyamessa the tightest grouping.

HTH, and Bon Appetit!
No it's not really for nutes...

I just wanta shoot the stuff... just cause.
I'd benchtest a few brands for the tightest group and then buyamessa the tightest grouping.
sounds logical :)

Actually I should of mentioned this in the beginning. the slugs he was checking were 3'', 1 3/8 oz Brenneke's. I did find various Brenneke's here:
I've found a wide variety in prices of the different type of Brennekes out there. The best deal for the money that I've seen are the K.O. ones (the ones with the glued-on plastic wad), which are generally a tad under $3.00/5, as opposed to the more expensive Rottweil traditional style with the screwed-on felt wad. They all have that wonderful sharp shoulder that give the effect of a .70 cal wadcutter, and feed and group decently from my 1100. (note: 2.75" only tested)
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