buckshot delivery system

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Jan 15, 2010
south central Minnesota
Stopped in the lgs and found a mossberg, maverick 12 gauge 3 inch with a ported slug barrel for 125 bucks. It came home with me. Target is at 20 yards 4 fast shots. I just love 00buckshot


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A slug barrel is not ideal for buckshot. The pattern you have there is satisfactory for buckshot I suppose, but it could be better. I will attribute that to the barrel as opposed to the shooter.

But for $125, I think you made quite a deal ;)

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Spray round dot on that sheet and try some 2&3/4 SG loads rated at about 1200fps. You might be presently surprised w/o getting sore jaw and or shoulder. Nice price previous owner must have gotten 50 rounds of Gucci-Mo 9mm JHPs for that gun.
To the OP: Nice gun you got there, and that's about as good a price as you're going to find. Good deal. I like that sling. Can't say much for the snow though. Brrrrrrrrrr

A slug barrel is far from ideal for buckshot.

This is the truth, although you'll often read/hear experts say otherwise. Back in the day, everytime the subject of buckshot came up in a magazine or a book, there would be some "expert" telling us to use open chokes and the biggest buckshot you could find, and limit your range to 20 yards or so. Those same "experts" would usually admit that they had never hunted with buckshot, which I always found interesting, Well, that hasn't been my experience.

I suppose if you want to use buckshot for SD/HD, an open choke gun is just as good as anything else, the ranges aren't that long, but if you think you might want to reach out a bit, get a barrel with some choke in it. Every gun is different, so try different shot sizes but I don't ever remember anyone shooting 00 for hunting. I'd say 75% of the men I hunted with used No 1. The others used 000.

I bought a Sears/Mossberg 500 with a 28" mod/24" slug barrel, years ago that the original purchaser had returned to Sears because he said, the slug barrel didn't shoot buckshot well. I wasn't surprised by that. I took the gun home, stepped off 40 paces (call it 30 yards) and put 17 of 24 No 1 buckshot (3" Remington shell) into the bottom of a bushel basket (we weren't too sophisticated in those days) which is about 15-16 inches in diameter. One shot. That was plenty good enough for me. I never used anything but 3" Remington No 1 buck in it. That was a deer killing shotgun and has served me well for years.

I don't think I've ever used that slug barrel. :D
Most of the old timers I have hunted with in the past that used buckshot for deer swore by #1 Buckshot.

Ok, back to the OP. One of my good friends used a very similar shotgun to take an 8 Point Whitetail Buck at 60 yards this past deer season. I know, I know that is about twice as far as you should be shooting buckshot at a deer, but with Remington 3 Inch Magnum 000 Buckshot he put 7 out of 10 pellets in the deer and dropped it like a dirty shirt, and that was with a Cylinder Bore Rifled Sighted Slug Barrel.

Do not let anyone poo-poo your shotgun you got a great deal on. Test it with some different buckshot and slugs, and it will surprise you when you find a load it likes.

Just my .02,
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When folks talk about what they should keep in their trunk, a find like yours comes to mind. It cost $125. Nobody I know would want to stare down the barrel.
The barrel is a smooth bore. And the gun is in very good shape. And to you allaroundhunter. The 4 shoot were shoot very fast, right in the range of one shot per second. So i must say that I am very happy with the way the target looks.
Very nice, wish I could find one that cheap. If you're looking for a tighter patterning load anything Federal that uses their Flitecontrol wad works very well. We use the 2 3/4" 00 8 pellet tactical load at work, and it will stay within about 16" out to 25-30 yard. From 12 yds on in it might was well be a a slug for the patterns it puts down.

Good deal on the gun.

Is that slug barrel rifled? If so, then it is intended for use with the 'sabot' slugs.
I think you got a fabulous deal on a rifle sighted smooth bore!!!!

To pass on it would have been tragic!

Good for you.
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