Bulgarian Hesse AK's?

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Dec 4, 2003
Didn't Hesse go out of business? I see Bulgie AKs from CDNN for 299.99. Are these any good? I have heard that Hesse was not really a quality importer....any opinions?
No first hand experience but I don't plan on ever getting any either. I have never heard anything good about a hesse anything.
Save your money and get something else.
Not worth the risk IMO.
Didn't Hesse go out of business?
I was told they just changed their name. It's Vulcan now.

I've also been reading up on building your own AK and there are alot of people that say to just go with Vulcan for the pre-made receivers. Supposedly (out of what's available at a decent price) the quality of them now is fine as long as you make sure the ejector rail is hardened. People were saying in the past they never hardended them and it would wear down enough to completely stop working after 4 or 5 hundred rounds.
They are a hunk of junk! Soft metal receivers. After 80 rounds in mine, the ejector was smashed and dented . Rounds would eject out of the rifle. Lesson learned. You get what you pay for!
Over on AK-47.net's board the Hesse/Vulcan receivers have a good reputation, but the assembled rifles have a very poor rep.

I have a Saiga that Hesse converted to look like an AK-103. I had to replace the fire control group (hammer, disconnector, trigger) because they were too soft. I used Tapco's G2 FCG and now the gun runs great. The buttstock is pretty cheap; assuming the AWB sunsets I may put a folder on it.

If I had known when I got it of the grief the bad FCG was going to give me I would not have bought the rifle.
My two cents: I'd avoid anything withe the Hesse name attached to it. Perhaps they make or assemble some great products, but I haven't ever read any evidence of it.
cant say I have heard any good of their products either...of which I had 3 and none of them worked correctly and the g3 copy had chunks missing from the receiver where they welded the halves together wrong..I was so excited about owning a g3 copy..i didnt bother looking at it closly.the other were fal clones...they were both receiver issues.
I've seen Hesse HK Clone recievers with bubble hole's from poor casting.
I would NEVER buy a Hesse anything.
Funny thing... I've seen an ad for Vulcan guns... "LEGENDARY" is a word they use. Good word, considering that they are Hesse they are legendary... Legendary crap.
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