Bullet seating depth

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Mar 22, 2008
Reloading some more .223 today for my AR-15, and had a question about bullet seating depth:

I am using 55 gr bullets with cannelures, and loading without a crimp. I am debating the OAL I should load to on this second run...

I want more accuracy, but want the ammo to cycle in my AR

When I made my first loads I centered the cannelure at the case mouth, and this resulted in a COAL of about 2.194 inches. If I load to the Maximum COAL (2.26") I end up with the cannelure being entirely outside of the case neck, but the bullet is still seated such that approximately .23 inches inside of the neck (one bullet diameter).

So, is it okay to seat bullets with cannelures to a length where the cannelure is not inside of the case mouth, or do I need to live with the previous 1.94" COAL?

(for the record, I have been trimming my cases to the recommended 1.75")

:) I hit the same issue . .what I eventually went to was to seat them as long as I could and still fit them in the magazine. Seemed to give me the best results in my Bushy M4'gery and my RRA NM A3 DCM.

I want more accuracy, but want the ammo to cycle in my AR

If you want more accuracy I’d recommend trying different bullets. Most people get good results using Sierra Match Kings with either 69gr or 77gr bullets (loaded to mag length), depending on your rifles twist rate.
Bullet said:
If you want more accuracy I’d recommend trying different bullets. Most people get good results using Sierra Match Kings with either 69gr or 77gr bullets (loaded to mag length), depending on your rifles twist rate.

Admittedly, I'm not using premium bullets right now (these were bulk no-namers that I bought for plinking). Still, wanted to do what I could with them! Thus far I've beat Federal XM193 ammo with these handloads, but thought I'd tweak the load a bit to see what I could do.

I have a 1:9 Bushmaster, and I have been considering picking up Sierra Matchkings for target use... probably be stuck with 69gr with my twist, I'm guessing.
a great load for my bushmaster 1:9 twist has been with hornady 68 grain hpbt bullets.

if you use the following data the cannelure will barely be visible, with a slight factory crimp.

hornady 68g hpbt match
23.5g hodgdon h335
trim case to 1.752
oal 2.220
winchester small rifle primer

this is borderline hot i think so check the load in your book first.

i was consistently shooting 7/8 inch groups on saturday WITH A 16" HVY BARREL BUSHY!!!!!!!!!!! AT 100 YRDS!!!!!!!!

i know many target rifles will do better, but this was my best ever groups fired with a semiauto, and i was pretty happy that in 30 years i just shot my best groups ever and ive been handloading for a month.

all groups were 3 shot. a 4th would have opened them up, prolly doubled.
Cannelure doesn't matter

I load for my M1 with bullets routinely seated well above the cannelure. Same for my 03A3. Same for my AR. As long as they feed through the mag you're OK.
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