Bush calls for easier wiretap rules

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they're "spying" because they don't know who the enemies are, and are hoping to find out.

ummmm, if we don't know who they are. Might it be a good idea to find out?

So, until Angels start letting us know directly, it seems the best way to do this is to monitor foreign calls from known terrorists. Unless they happen to be calling Angelo's Pizza for a 3000 mile delivery on a Canadian bacon Pie, your assertion proves my point. We need to monitor these wingbats and find out who they are chatting with.
Originally posted by Shooter503:
Please note I never stated whether I approved of the Bush policies or not. I merely pointed out that sharpening a weapon if you are going to use it yourself might make sense, sharpening it for your enemy is not smart.

So the Democrats are the enemy? ;)

I guess I misread your intentions. But either way I still feel the current Neo-Conservatives are much more dangerous to freedom and liberty than even the most left of the Democrats. Bush has systematically tried to destroy the Bill of Rights in the current "War on Terror."

This is just another example of it. Should Hillary, Obama, Guiliani, or Thompson take the presidency and says that they need more gun control because the current gun laws are not stopping the criminals are you going to accept it? This incrementalist style attack is the same tactic used by anti-gun people to infringe the 2nd Amendment. We should stop it dead in its tracks.
ummmm, if we don't know who they are. Might it be a good idea to find out?
Which brings us back to US Constitution 101: we decided when we founded this country that stripping away the inalienable rights of the innocent is a price we're unwilling to pay to catch the guilty. You might not realize this, but the founders knew very well that invading people's persons and property was an effective way to find what you're looking for. Redcoats routinely did exactly that, and it was indeed an effective method. Nevertheless, they strangely took offense at that and decided to wage a shooting war with Britain to put a stop to it.

...either way I still feel the current Neo-Conservatives are much more dangerous to freedom and liberty than even the most left of the Democrats.
When have you ever seen a Democrat roll back Republican-passed laws that take away our liberties? Or vice versa? They're equally dangerous. They just distract us with their log-rolling: Republicans expand the warfare state without shrinking the welfare state; then they trade places and Democrats expand the welfare state without shrinking the warfare state.

Then you have no choice but to start a war with the US. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile back in reality, you seem to miss the point that this is foreign intelligence gathering. Even though, the MSM has cried that it is "Domestic Spying". It seems kind of silly if you are listening in on Muhammed Jihad's confabs, but when he dials a US number, you are supposed to hang up as Muhammed is obviously just chatting with his dry cleaner.

Hmmmm, naw, still not convinced that the Republic is about to end.

Bush has systematically tried to destroy the Bill of Rights in the current "War on Terror."
Interesting Assertion, completely without facts to back it up.....
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