Bush Immigration TV Address - 05/ 15 /06

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Yesterday Richard Stana of the Government Accountability Office told a House panel that under the Bush administration workplace enforcement of immigration violations had fallen sharply. For instance, consider the numbers of employers who received formal letters warning about possible fines for violating immigration laws:

Under Clinton in 1999: 417 employers
Under Bush in 2003: 3 employers

In part this is certainly due to more focus on the border and on possible terrorism, and ICE does have a specific program targeting illegal aliens working at sensitive facilities: see the fairly frequent arrests at Navy shipyards for examples.

However, no doubt a good part of the drop-off is due to "other factors."

Never mind the pathetic numbers during Clinton administration. The reality of the situation is Bush had done nothing in workplace enforcement. And existing law deals with workplace enforcement. Looks to me like Bush is simply ignoring law already codified and now he wants to write new law. The issue is not law. The issue is will.
.gov had no case, when accepted forms of ID were being requested, never mind if they were counterfeit. That's why we now have REAL ID in the works, so there will be no ready excuses for employers who know darned well that employees are not legitimate immigrants.
.gov had no case, when accepted forms of ID were being requested, never mind if they were counterfeit. That's why we now have REAL ID in the works, so there will be no ready excuses for employers who know darned well that employees are not legitimate immigrants.

Four words regarding RealID.

You first.
Me never.
RealGun, it does not matter how many more BPs or NGs are put at the border if they are ordered by WashDC to harass the minutemen and ignore the illegals, which is exactly what has been happening with the BP up to now.

No matter how many speeches are made and how much money is poured, it will all be for nothing if there is obstinate unwillingness in highest levels of the executive branch to do their job and enforce our laws. We all should be way past basing our assessments on what the politicians say, rather on what the politicians have done and do. At least I am.

Finally, somebody explain to me how REAL ID would work better than a driver's license or a passport. Virtually everybody drives these days. All the gov has to do is stop issuing DLs to illegals. Note that the CMTs and BBs both viciously oppose denying DLs to illegals. Comes to show. The cheap political trick the RINOs do is to scare liberty-minded Americans with REAL ID in the hope that they also back down on immigration law enforcement. It is amazing to me how many people fall for this crap.
Sen. Barack Obama (D) (only black Senator) is now offering an amendment that would directly challenge the premise that temporary immigrant workers are needed for jobs that Americans will not or cannot fill. I realize that it is essentially a racial issue, but I think it is inescapable and entirely correct. I hope they pass it.

One possible problem is that it involves dictating that guest workers MUST be offered "the prevailing wage" in the presence of applications from American workers.

I think this is a key amendment that would have economic consequences but would remove a lot of the cynicism surrounding this whole immigration issue. What I don't want to see is a provision that amounts to reverse discrimination for blacks. If it is simply fair to American workers, no problem.
1911JMB...something else to think about...

Mexicans may not be good for the economy, but they are a drop in the bucket compared to the blue collar jobs this country has seen head overseas. Anybody who wishes to dispute that with me should probably at least pretend they don't know anyone who lost a manufacturing job to a cheaper overseas worker. I personaly know 4 people who this has happened to.

You might also add the THOUSANDS of PNW timber industry jobs that were sold down the river by the greens and the enviro-terrs. I personally know of HUNDREDS who lost jobs in and around the forest products industry due to the LIES and prevarications of the preservationalists. The Spotted Owl was/is a farcial construction, there were more owls in Humboldt County CA than were supposed to exist ON THE WHOLE WEST COAST FROM CANADA TO MEXICO. :scrutiny: I know...I was there counting them. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
My father and 3 of us 4 boys lost our jobs in forest products due to the lies of the greens/preservationalists/enviro-terrs.
MOST of my childhood friends who worked in the woods or were supported by timber jobs are now doing something ELSE that pays less than 50% of what they were making.

I spit on the lot of them. (wouldnt take a leak on them if they were on fire:fire: )

The illegal aliens now in our country should be sent home...I now work with many engineers who HAVE THEIR GREEN CARDS and flat HATE those who skate past the system. Local mex joint has a very strong family plan...but it is ALL LEGAL. the uncles/cousins/nephews that come up WITH GREEN CARDS, start in the kitchen and work on their English skills, them move to bussing tables and running water/drinks for more english practice...then move to waiting tables. They all work HARD and learn FAST. I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever to their hardworking contribution. Do they send $$ south...YOU BET, but they are here legally, paying taxes and working. No arguments here.

Hug a logger...you will never go back to trees.
The sad fact of the matter is the ruling class has determined the US will change its national character by bringing in lots and lots of immigrants. Legally if possible, illegally as a fall back, but they will be let in. Joe and Martha Sixpack is not consulted nor is their opinion solicited. We are engaged in a war of cultures as demonstrated by numerous posters here on THR. I maintain we are engaged in a war against constitutional governance. I wonder what the ruling class would say if the taxpaying class said, "Screw it! I'll obey the tax laws only when I see the ruling class obey immigration laws" You know as well as I they come down on the taxpaying class like a load of bricks. No mercy, no sympathy, no understanding.

If you are right, and I happen to think you are, then the imperative has to be to replace "the ruling class." How we go about that and who they are replaced by is the challenge. We can start by removing all of the special perquisites and privileges of the D.C. political class.
[I'm not pro illegal and don't ever insinuate I am. You have no idea. What I am is, pro make something happen, anything toward progress. If it takes letting 5 million stay to get 7 million out, I'll take it, as long as they enforce what the plan is for the ones that stay. You can scream and yell to get them all out all you want, it ain't going to happen. Be realistic. Also, if you don't want 6000 troops on the border, you'll likely get nothing. I'll take the 6000 and let it go up from there. At least we have something to build on./QUOTE]

First, I apologize if you feel victimized by my comments.

Second, my point is that it doesn't matter what, if anything, you do with the illegals already here until you physically control the border.

If you throw all of them out, they will just be right back unless the border is physically closed with a wall and troops.
First, I apologize if you feel victimized by my comments.

Please don't, I'm not a victim. You wrongly characterized me. I'll accept your apology for that.

Second, my point is that it doesn't matter what, if anything, you do with the illegals already here until you physically control the border.

If you throw all of them out, they will just be right back unless the border is physically closed with a wall and troops.

That statement I agree with completely, I just don't see it happening all at once. I do see it being easier to gain if we start with troops and watch troops with no wall not work well enough. I hope I'm wrong.
Finally, somebody explain to me how REAL ID would work better than a driver's license or a passport. Virtually everybody drives these days. All the gov has to do is stop issuing DLs to illegals. Note that the CMTs and BBs both viciously oppose denying DLs to illegals. Comes to show. The cheap political trick the RINOs do is to scare liberty-minded Americans with REAL ID in the hope that they also back down on immigration law enforcement. It is amazing to me how many people fall for this crap.

Somebody explain to me why everyone is so paranoid about national ID cards when everyone has a driver's license or a passport, or a SS card, or a CCW, Employee ID card, Voter ID card, Red Cross CPR card,.......etc.

The problem with driver's licenses is that with 50+ different issuing authorities, with different issuing criteria, different graphics and different record handling it's easier to generate a fake one.
Somebody explain to me why everyone is so paranoid about national ID cards when everyone has a driver's license or a passport, or a SS card, or a CCW, Employee ID card, Voter ID card, Red Cross CPR card,.......etc.

For once I will agree with you. I don't see the big deal about Real ID.

We already have defacto national ID through the use of social security numbers.
I don't know enough about specifics of realID but here's why something like that COULD be better:

Will be harder to forge than a SS card. Nothing's impossible of course but an NSA-level encrypted magnetic or RFID chip is much harder than a piece of paper that can look like anything. Slap some biometrics on there and even harder.

Will have instant verification - no need to call and check etc

Will replace the circle of supporting documents whereby a VERY easily forged birth certificate or SSN gets you a DL or even a passport if you are clever enough

No need to train all employers, banks, DL bureaus, city, state and county agencies etc on how to verify a huge smorgasbord of different documents such as all possible DLs, birth certifcates and so on. Swipe the card - connect to one database - boom, ID and status confirmed

Will make sharing info between INS, LE agencies etc much easier - one place to look and one place to update.

Personally I would actually LIKE one secure ID that, if done right, could replace a passport, DL, SSN and naturalization or birth certificate, and can only be used by somebody who looks like me (and in the near future or even now with major investment, has my iris scan etc). Identity theft would be much more difficult. Illegal immigration too.

I don't share the extreme loathing of ID or even tracking that some people do here. Without getting into the "nothing to hide" cliché, I fail to see how other people's knowledge of my name and doings, per se, impede on my freedom to do those doings :) . To me there's a BIG difference between individuals OR gov't agencies knowing I will be in China 6/18-6/23, own a few handguns, and have a fondness for Guinness and Christopher Moore novels than stopping me going there, owning them or buying them. Sure one COULD lead to the other but that's pretty meaningless. The government knowing my address from my 1040 COULD allow them to kick down my door if the ship-all-immigrants-back crowd gets their way, but I still send one in every year.

Bush will the worse President in modern times,even worse than "PEANUT CARTER"
CARTER only gave away the Panama Canal.
Bush is giving away America.
Even Clinton didn't give America away,at least he sold it.
At least Leno had a good one about Bush and Clinton. He said the difference between the two was that when Clinton screwed America, he did it one person at a time.
Bush Lied?

You know, typically, I'm not a Bush-basher, even though I know he's a NWO type, but he said something that needs to be brought to light.

He said, "In order to secure our border, we MUST have a guest worker program."

That, my friends is a bald face lie. All we have to do is secure the border...thats it. Then they tell us that deportation is impractical. I say we start with ones and twos and go from there, it'll never happen unless we begin.

Do we have a country or not? Do we have a border or not? Will we have a Bordr in the future, or not?

God hlep us!
He said, "In order to secure our border, we MUST have a guest worker program."

I would prefer for him to say how many "guest workers" we need 10m, 20,
perhaps 100million would that solve the crisis. If so why secure the border
just remove all barriers and when the usa is destroyed perhaps Canada may need to deal with the problem.:cuss:
How about this solution - simple - safe (for America) - and quick

I have read that the upwards of $40 billion sent home to Mexico represents about 10 - 15% of the personal income of that country.

Stop it. Make it illegal to send money to Mexico unless you are a legal resident or citizen. Force Mexico, a country rich with resources, hard-working people, a religious and conservative population...to get it's own house in order and stop deflating it's problems at the expense of the US.

Then get the popcorn and lawnchairs...Mexican revolutions are very entertaining here north of the border.
Again someone, bjbarron in this case, comes up with a basically pragmatic but tricky logistical solution. Certainly on the surface sounds doable BUT:

How can all the thousands upon thousands of Western Union and similar clerks, who are often nothing more than drug store cashiers, be trained to recognize and detect forgeries in all possible "proving" documents such as birth certificates from any jurisdiction in the nation, SS cards which can be forged in minutes, and so on. What kind of authority or database can they call or look up to verify that XXX-XX-XXXX is assigned to José Ortega (born 1965 in LA) as opposed to Joe Smith (deceased 1965 in Boise) or even worse that the official stamped notarized certificate saying José was born in the US in LA county is legitimate? Will all numbers to all issuing auihorities be staffed with sufficient people to answer these queries real time? Or do we get the much-despised realID type solution as instant proof much harder to forge but, to many if not most people, an unacceptable reduction in liberty?

It's not that we should do nothing, but we should fully think through how deceptively simple ideas can be implemented before we start doing something.

I have NO problem with the basic idea - in fact it's on my list of suggestions on one of these threads at least inasmuch as I would tax rather than ban these transfers, but it would have to depend on consistent, easy, instant verification or it's a non starter.
Won't happen because the Bank of America has worked long and hard courting latino business and specifically the business in transferring money out of the US and backinto Mexico. The money only goes to the state bank where it is immediately taxed. Rumors are afoot BoA is about to purchase a smaller Mexican bank to solidify its position south of the border.

How serious is BoA in courting the latino business? BoA's newest member of the board of directors is non-other than the editor of the largest spanish language newspaper in the US. Same person is chief executive of La Raza. So now we have the head whup of La Raza on the board of directors of the largest bank in the US. Just off hand I'd say the chances of slowing or stopping money transfers is slim to none.
As long as we have unemployment in this country why should any guest worker program be considered?
There are people living in the streets and starving and we are sending our tax money to Iraq.
Our president has no shame at all.
The worst part is that he thinks the american people are actually buying his bs.
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