Bush in Baghdad - a personal account

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
I received this via the API List, and thought our members might find it interesting.

An Email from a Captain in Iraq

We knew there was a dinner planned with ambassador Bremer and LTG Sanchez. There were 600 seats available and all the units in the division were tasked with filling a few tables. Naturally, the 501st MI battalion got our table. Soldiers were grumbling about having to sit through another dog-and-pony show, so we had to pick soldiers to attend. I chose not to go.

But, about 1500 the G2, LTC Devan, came up to me and with a smile, asked me to come to dinner with him, to meet him in his office at 1600 and bring a camera. I didn't really care about getting a picture with Sanchez or Bremer, but when the division's senior intelligence officer asks you to go, you go. We were seated in the chow hall, fully decorated for thanksgiving when aaaaallllll kinds of secret service guys showed up.

That was my first clue, because Bremer's been here before and his personal security detachment is not that big. Then BG Dempsey got up to speak, and he welcomed ambassador Bremer and LTG Sanchez. Bremer thanked us all and pulled out a piece of paper as if to give a speech. He mentioned that the President had given him this thanksgiving speech to give to the troops. He then paused and said that the senior man present should be the one to give it. He then looked at Sanchez, who just smiled.

Bremer then said that we should probably get someone more senior to read the speech. Then, from behind the camouflage netting, the President of the United States came around. The mess hall actually erupted with hollering. Troops bounded to their feet with shocked smiles and just began cheering with all their hearts. The building actually shook. It was just unreal. I was absolutely stunned. Not only for the obvious, but also because I was only two tables away from the podium. There he stood, less than thirty feet away from me! The cheering went on and on and on.

Soldiers were hollering, cheering, and a lot of them were crying. There was not a dry eye at my table. When he stepped up to the cheering, I could clearly see tears running down his cheeks. It was the most surreal moment I've had in years. Not since my wedding and Aaron being born. Here was this man, our President, came all the way around the world, spending 17 hours on an airplane and landing in the most dangerous airport in the world, where a plane was shot out of the sky not six days before.

Just to spend two hours with his troops. Only to get on a plane and spend another 17 hours flying back. It was a great moment, and I will never forget it. He delivered his speech, which we all loved, when he looked right at me and held his eyes on me. Then he stepped down and was just mobbed by the soldiers. He slowly worked his way all the way around the chow hall and shook every last hand extended. Every soldier who wanted a photo with the President got one. I made my way through the line, got dinner, then wolfed it down as he was still working the room.

You could tell he was really enjoying himself. It wasn't just a photo opportunity. This man was actually enjoying himself! He worked his way over the course of about 90 minutes towards my side of the room. Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to shake a few hands. I got a picture with Ambassador Bremer, Talabani (acting Iraqi president) and Achmed Chalabi (another member of the ruling council) and Condaleeza Rice, who was there with him.

I felt like I was drunk. He was getting closer to my table so I went back over to my seat. As he passed and posed for photos, he looked my in the eye and "How you doin', captain." I smiled and said "God bless you, sir." To which he responded "I'm proud of what you do, captain." Then moved on.
Yeah-and I'm not ashamed to say I got teary-eyed reading your post Preacherman-just like I did when I saw the tape on FOX for the first time! The tears have turned to anger when I heard the inane drivel that spewed from Billary and her spineless comrades. Thank God the good citizens of Tennessee chose not to vote for Al ( our homeboy) Gore or there never would have been a Supreme Court decision-can you imagine Al as Commander in Chief?
Ignore the bleating dems. They are in a very serious and irreversable fit of penis-envy right now...(I can say that, right?). Like my brother says, you don't walk down the halls of Saddam Hussein Airport without your big brass ones clanking like nothing the dems have ever heard.


Those clanging brass bells toll for thee, demo nutcases!

- Gabe
Put me down in the "need a new monitor as this one seems to be blurry" column. The people screaming "nothing more than a political photo op" just don't get it.

Awesome. It's funny, but Lincoln, whom the left now holds so dear, was also loathed by the 'elite' press and loved by the common man. Funny how the left never notices the similarities.

Now I disagree with 1/3 of the president's domestic agenda (way too big government/nanny state for me!) but he's a first rate commander in chief of our soldiers.
Well done...............
I also have a blurry monitor........

Isn't it nice to have a man as POTUS instead of the pretender who occupied the office previously?

Thanks Preachreman. It just makes me more determined to work hard to support Bush and Republican candidates running for the House and Senate. Maybe the Rebublicans can pull out a fillibuster proof majority in the Senate.
Blurry monitors, hell!

A good man for President is the best cure for senile xerophthalmia I've yet found! At least my eyelids didn't squeak when I moved them for a little while after I saw that!
Whether you choose to view it as a mere "publicity/political" stunt/ploy or not, the man put his life on the line.

Period, end of story.

He put his very life on the line, as well as chose to spend his Thanksgiving away from his family so that he could be with our men instead.

Those who choose to denounce this act of his are just jaded and sick.

Bush rules. :cool:
Thanks, my current wallpaper is President Bush carrying the (insert leftist spin) "fake" (exit leftist spin)* turkey platter to the troops.

Makes me feel good about my country every time I see it. And I disagree with Bush on just about everything else.

* too tired to post a link, but now the leftists are whining that the widespread photo of the President with the silver turkey platter & fixins (the one with the bespectacled soldier on the right) features a "trophy" turkey, i.e. one that looks perfect but meant for decoration not eating. Apparently, this proves Bush is a liar about everything. Don't those clowns know how badly this stuff resonates with the average American?
Nice story. Now to all of you who take such joy in beating up on Democrats: can you tell me for a fact that mess hall was only full of Republican soldiers? No? Now you've got some more thinking to do...
A democratic soldier serving his country is worthy of everyone's respect, admiration and gratitude. The ones in office actively subverting and destroying it are guilty of treason.

As an aside, had a Democrat president done this exact same thing, (putting his life on the line by entering a hostile country during what is essentially a time of war) regardless of my opinions of them, I would have been impressed. This, of course, is a hypothetical situation requiring the suspension of anything and everything we know to be true of most all Democrats. :D
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