California Handgun Laws

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Sep 15, 2003
I know in some states, an 18-year-old can purchase a handgun by a PPT or given one by a family member. I would like to know if this is also legal here in California? I can't seem to find any info on it.

According to the book, "How to Own a Gun and Stay Out of Jail," 2003 California version by John Machtinger, the answer is no. Must be 21 to own a handgun and/or purchase handgun ammo. You can shoot one (temporary possession) but only with parental/legal guardian's consent.
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Yeah, 18 for long guns. Good thing, too. My Dad armed me with a shotgun when I turned 18... Yeah, Dad! (Still have it, but won't admit to how many years later...)
Magsnubby, I looked on the DOJ's website but couldn't find any info on what I was looking for. Thanks
On Cal Atty Gen's Firearms page
follow the link
The Dangerous Weapons Control Laws for the year 2004
then on the next page
12101 thru 12101 Juveniles

What is missing is a clear statement 'Minors may....'; there is only a set of 'Minors may not...'. It's risky to conclude that what is not forbidden is permitted, but there we are.

BTW, 0-17 is "Child", 18, 19, 20 is 'Minor' but not child.
It is perfectly legal for a parent to give a son or daughter that is over 18 a hand gun as long as that child has a handgun safety certificate. The child receiving the handgun must then register it with the state using a form available at the Cal DOJ web site. I costs $19.00 to register any number of handguns.

See the link.

The Penal Code reference is at PC12078(c).
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