California to pressure Bush via formal resolution...

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May 23, 2004
This is from You can see how the pressure is not going to let up on Bush;

California: Resolution Urging Congress To Save Federal Ban On Assault Weapons Near Final Approval
A resolution approved by the state Assembly urging Congress and President Bush to save the federal ban on assault weapons, which is set to expire this fall unless it is renewed, has cleared a key Senate committee and will now go to the Senate floor for final approval. The Brady Campaign united with the Million Mom March strongly supports saving and strengthening the federal ban on assault weapons.
Hmm... I thought this had passed already. Not like it will make a bit of difference one way or another...
The Brady Campaign united with the Million Mom March strongly supports saving and strengthening the federal ban on assault weapons.

And I would hope that the NRA would not support it. Why should we listen to your group?

EDIT: Does all of Cali feel this way, or is it the Urban areas that control the power?
WTH does the Californiastan assembly care? They already have more restrictions here at the state level than an AWB renewal will provide.:fire: :banghead: :barf:

Edited to add: Screw the Calif legislature. Bush is not gonna pay any attention to them. They've got nothing he wants.
WTH does the Californiastan assembly care? They already have more restrictions here at the state level than an AWB renewal will provide.

Thats what I've been wondering for a while. Seems to me like they dont have a dog in this fight, so they should just butt the hell out of it.
AND WHAT'S MORE, those buttwipes haven't even finished the budget yet. It was due June 30th. Buncha nosy Nazi's.

Because Bush had publicly stated his support for the AWB and pledged to sign it, (though I know he wishes to avoid it) I am forever on the lookout for forming cracks that might cause him to cave in.

I go into that ugly Brady Website from time to time to see what's was up with our enemy and monitor their latest movements.

As far as the way they post their news in there, it's dated 4/6/04. Pardon if I've erred in believing this news was current and most recent as their date seems to indicate. (??)
Renewal of the AWB is all up to House Speaker Dennis Hastert at this point. The Senate will happily pass a renewal if the House does, and the House will happily do so if Hastert allows it to proceed. There will be a few who stand on principle and vote against it, but not many.

Hastert is a RINO who represents a soccar-mom district in Illinois and will feel a lot of pressure to allow a renewal vote between now and September. He has contradicted Tom Delay in the past when Delay stated that an AWB has no chance of passage.

Bush WILL definitely sign any AWB (or any other bill) which crosses his desk.

IMO the AWB stands a 60% chance of renewal prior to the election and about a 80% chance afterwards.
if they had unlimited time do get the AWB renewed they could. but they do not have time on theyre side.

president signs anything it will mean he will lose votes remember its an election year. bush would not shoot himself in the foot and live. sure alot of people here and myself included would change from GWB to most popular Libertarian.

senate has August vacation coming up it starts july 26th. if the senate can not get anything done by then its toast till september 7th few days short of sunset. will only have till october 1st then. closer to november hotter it gets.

gotta write your congress critters and keep on them.

any other year I am sure the president would sign renewal. look at the demeaning crud. you think the president will take the harse criticism and do what demonizing critics want?
they wont vote for him anyway if he renewed the AWB. why bend over alienate your base to please the opposition. political suicide..

I respectfully disagree. I think the chances of an extended AWB passing in the next 18 working days they have left are nill, UNLESS NEWFOUND PRESSURE WORKS AT BUSH. That's what this thread concerning a California Resolution is about; exposing news and pressure that may cause Bush to cave in.

I agree with you however that chances are great that a new ban, (a worse one likely)will be enacted later under either president elect. Let's first concern ourselves with killing this one off in the next couple of weeks before we worry about future legislative sessioins.

MR. Apathy2000,

They really only have until July 23rd (July 25,26 are the weekend)to do something. The 5 days in September would only allow finalization of legislation already in the works. Not much time for conference commitees and the prez signiture in 5 days of Sept.
I'm actually going to disagree that chances of the ban being renewed will go up after the election. The Republicans may pick up as many as six seats from redistricting in Texas alone (though most of those were pro-gun Dems anyway). In the Senate we could also pick up as many as five additional seats - enough to flip the March ban renewal vote 180 degrees.

If gunowners turn out and vote their guns in November, there won't be another ban possible until 2006 because we will control both houses of Congress.
WTH does the Californiastan assembly care? They already have more restrictions here at the state level than an AWB renewal will provide.

Because the true hallmark of a liberal is that their beliefs must be forced on everyone else. Liberalism doesn't work if even one person doesn't sign up. Everyone has to pay the taxes and be under the same restrictions, or class envy will lead the oppressed to want what the "outsiders" have. It isn't enough for them that "assault weapons" are banned here... they have to be banned nationwide, and then worldwide.

I really wish the Civil War had turned out differently. California would be a People's Republic, and I never would have been here... :)
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