Camo shotgun?

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Feb 12, 2004
DFW, Texas
I've decided on a new shotgun, but do I want the Max-4 camo or the basic black? This will be my all-around shotgun used for everything from clays to geese. I will be hunting upland as well as waterfowl. I like the idea of the camo for the waterfowl, but I'm not sure how it will "look" at a pheasant outing or at the skeet range. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
People who matter don't care, and people who care don't matter. That's one of my longstanding rules and it sounds as if it might apply in your situation.

If you are buying it to suit the geese, only the opinions of the geese matter. What the nitpickers on the range think, doesn't matter. The guns will shoot pretty much the same no matter what color they are...

Lots of people shoot their camo turkey or waterfowl shotguns on our skeet range. They are practicing for the real thing and this is good. If someone with a $2000 over/under acts like a gun snob, they are promptly put in their place. Focus on hitting not fashion. Camo or black - 30 yards away in the woods, not moving, and I can't see either one. Just keep it somewhat vertical until getting ready to shoot. There are more vertical things in the woods than horizontal.
People successfully hunted foul long before camo'd guns.

But on the other hand, there ain't a thing wrong with making the gun look the way you want.

I wish more fireams had "rice" and "bling" accy's available, (Think about the rainbow of hues available for 10/22s)

But the plain colored gun should work fine.
Yeah, my buddy actually mentioned the camo tape idea tonight at work. It makes alot of sense. The camo paint scheme is $50 more than the black. That's $50 more I could put toward clays and shells for practice. So, black it is. Thanks guys.
In my highly colored opinion, more geese and ducks get spooked by face shine than gun shine.

Flat black will work well.

Use a face mask....
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