Can anyone explain why the far left egg looks most exploded?

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I would assume it's because all the material from the previous eggs is being forced through the last egg. You could say the bullet has expanded the most as it reached the last egg but I'm not sure the bullet would expand much at all through eggs. With a FMJ expansion would be irrelevant.
Looks like each egg to the left of the other egg is blocking the explosion. The far left egg is the only egg that isn't being blocked...
Not knowing what bullet / velocity is involved, I can only guess. It could be bullet expansion, showing the effects by the time it gets to the egg on the far left.

(If I was inclined to sacrasm, I'd say you shouldn't expect rational behavior from anything on the far left...but that really wouldn't answer the question. :) )
I'm going to go with "it's because of the shutter" wiping from one direction to the next.
Ever see one of those ol' timey photographs of race cars at speed, back when men were men and the tracks were wooden? It looks like the tires are oblong and leaning forward because the shutter swiped from one side of the lens to the other.
Tumble? Eggs are conical and could cause even the slightest wobble in a bullet due to their irregular shape and the liquid inside. From right to left, the bullet hits the convex shape, then liquid, then concave shape, then convex shape, then liquid, and so forth... It would seem that that would interrupt the normal bullet path and create wobble/instability.
Found on this website:

I was impressed by the photography web site in general.

T.A. - wouldn't it be terminal ballistics? Internal, External and then Terminal.

The bullet expanding and possibly taking different course through the eggs would be my bet. The bullet looks like it veers upward slightly as it passes through the eggs. Bullets do similar through windshields, so maybe that is happening. Or the bullet is just aimed ever so slightly upwards. Then maybe not.
I'm going to go with "it's because of the shutter" wiping from one direction to the next.

I don't think that's it. High speed pix like those eggs are made with an ultra short duration flash or a high speed electronic shutter.

Those old leaning car pictures were made by focal plane shutters, a slit that traveled across the film "painting" the image on the film.
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