Can I use a rifle jag/bore brush on a pistol?

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Aug 27, 2008
Are these items specific to a rifle or a pistol or it doesn't really matter?
The rifle jags aren't really that much longer than a pistol jag, so that shouldn't matter.

However, I once used a .38 caliber rifle brush on a .380 pistol (without disassembling it) and got the brush stuck. It was longer than the action opened, so the brush couldn't exit the breech.

Fortunately, it was a 2-piece pistol rod and I was able to disassemble the slide and slip it down the rod past the muzzle. Then the brush had a free path and could "reverse" its bristles.

(This was an AMT Backup...a rather small pistol.)

So, I would guess that as long as you have room for the brush to clear the barrel, the longer rifle brush shouldn't make a difference. Provided, of course, that it is the correct diameter for your pistol.
Rifle brushes can be used in autos where you can remove the slide, but NOT in revolvers.
In most revolvers, the brush is too long and it won't fit through into the frame. Then you have a brush stuck in the barrel.
Then you have to cut the brush before you can push it through and unscrew it.

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