Can Virginia Tech do this?

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Apr 5, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
I was just reading through the newly revised "Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy" and when I read this section it seems they've sorta missed the whole preemption thing by more than just prohibition of students and faculty not being allowed to carry concealed:

The university’s employees, students, and volunteers, or any visitor or other third party attending a sporting,
entertainment, or educational event, or visiting an academic or administrative office building, dining facility, or
residence hall, are further prohibited from carrying, maintaining, or storing a firearm or weapon on any university
facility, even if the owner has a valid permit, when it is not required by the individual’s job, or in accordance with
the relevant University Policies for Student Life.
Any such individual who is reported or discovered to possess a firearm or weapon on university property will be
asked to remove it immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student judicial referral and/or arrest, or an
employee disciplinary action and/or arrest.

They would arrest me on public property for legally carrying concealed as an alumni visiting the campus with my permit? Really?
I do not believe this is enforceable under Virginia Law other than as stated a trespass statute.
They can only request you leave if you're discovered carrying.
If you refuse then......?
Virginians and others,please let us know.
If you are a visitor, all they can do is ask you to leave and if you refuse, then you can be charged with trespassing. It is hard to believe that VT is adding this new policy. They have not learned anything from the past massacre. Cho was a student therefore; was forbidden by existing school policy from bring a firearm on campus. I guess that someone bent on killing will not follow any rule...just the honest folks will.
Can Virginia Tech do this?

Sure they can. If you're a student, you'll be suspended or expelled. If you're staff/faculty, you'll be suspended or fired. If you're a visitor, you'll be asked to leave campus immediately and charged with trespassing if you don't comply.

The rules are the same for all state universities in VA.
I always understood it to be that once I graduated [soon with any luck] that I'd be a normal guy on normal state/public property and as such I wasn't trespassing no matter what I had on my right hip...incorrect interpretation on my part?
incorrect interpretation on my part?

Yes. Every state U in VA has a policy prohibiting guns on campus by anyone other than LEO's. The Code of VA permits state U's to develop their own policies on what is permitted on their campuses. You're not breaking any law by having a gun on university property, but you are violating school policy. They ask you to leave the campus because you're violating policy and arrest you and charge you with trespassing if you fail to comply.
I'd be a normal guy on normal state/public property

Good point. If VT is (not sure) a State facility (not a K-12 local) then...? I am not sure how this would work. I know that on private property you can be asked you to leave.
It is hard to believe that VT is adding this new policy. They have not learned anything from the past massacre.

Leftist extremists deliberately "learn" the opposite of history's obvious lessons. Everything they "know" is forced into conformance with Marxist "thought."
Have the entire board of directors and presidents name handy to give as a reference for visitors on campus. Do not give student or employee names unless you want them to get some heat.
I have many friends that are present and former students of VA Tech not to mention the many employees in at least a dozen departments.
Now with that aside…
VA Tech is the largest employer in this part of the world. They get lots of funds, grants, perks or whatever you want to call it from lots of places.
Can they do what they want? ___.
Double Secret Probation

Well, with the threat of DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION hanging over their heads I'm sure that there will never again be an armed incident on the VA T college campus, because it sounds like we're talking PERMANENT RECORD and WE MEAN IT! sorta talk. :scrutiny:

Which is of course, almost as serious as getting shot by some suicidal, disturbed malcontent student while on campus. They always follow the rules, right? Or is it "more like a guideline" for those who wander down that particular social path? :rolleyes:
I think that the reason they've made this startling announcement is that the've either heard talk...or they feel in their hearts...that some of the students have adopted the stance of:

"Stick your regs where the sun don't shine. I will NOT be a victim. Not today. Not ever."

They know that many will carry in spite of their Gun Free Zone.
They ask you to leave the campus because you're violating policy and arrest you and charge you with trespassing if you fail to comply.

It seems wrong that someone who has legitimate business on public property could be forced to leave for violating no law. Isn't this counter to the core American concept that all authoritay that the government has comes from the people, and the people retain said authoritay?
If, in thier eyes, the posession of a firearm is bad, evil, and not good for student safety, WHY ARE THE POLICE ALLOWED TO CARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should extend the ban to INCLUDE law enforcement personnel. That way they can be assured that there are no bad, evil, or not good ( there are NO good guns to these these people) guns are not on THIER property. And all can live happely ever after!:D:evil:

Livin in Texas
So basically they're doing everything they can to make an atmosphere conducive for some nutcase to commit another uncontested murdering spree?

Awesome... :rolleyes:
It seems wrong that someone who has legitimate business on public property could be forced to leave for violating no law.
My thoughts exactly. If it's public property (meaing the public's taxes pay for it, even in part, IMHO), then I, as a member of the public, have a right to be on property belonging to the public, as long as I have a legit reason to be there, and no laws are being broken. Sadly, those in charge of the govt and most public property disagree, as they oftem feel it's private property that they get to use and control as they wish, with the perk of having the public foot the bill for everything. Neat concept. Sure wish I could get the public to buy me a house and some land, which I could then keep the "public" off/out of and do as I pleased. Pretty neat scam/trick, eh?
It's the same old hoplophobic peasant mentality.

Blame guns. Guns are the problem. We can prevent violence by banning guns.

When has this EVER worked?

I'm sure Cho would have heeded this policy.

The world is full of stupid, stupid people and many of them are in positions of authority.
You might want to consider voting and lobbying against increased funding for state supported institutions of higher education in your state.

That's not a popular view or one that's likely to be warmly received but it's the most effective way to prevent such places from continuing to operate as medieval domains.
Is VT begging for another massacre? Wasn't one enough?

Unless they assign an armed bodyguard to every student and faculty member, how will this policy stop another Cho?
They would arrest me on public property for legally carrying concealed as an alumni visiting the campus with my permit? Really?
No, they will ask you to leave and if you refuse THEN have you arrested.
A:I don't think so. As a public institution, they have no authority to regulate firearms in the possession of people-other-than-students/employees who are breaking no other laws. VCDL has a page on "no-carry zones" and the only college where you can't carry is Virginia Commonwealth Univ., due to it somehow getting a state regulation on the books banning weapons on its named campus.

As the VT reg says:
Any such individual who is reported or discovered to possess a firearm or weapon on university property will be
asked to remove it immediately.

Failure to comply may result in a
student judicial referral and/or arrest, or
an employee disciplinary action and/or arrest.

Nothing in that penalty section about a visitor.

I would ask the VCDL folks about this (they have near-full-time lawyers working on these types of issues).
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