Canada repeals Gun Registry

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Dec 20, 2006
As I understand, Canada has repealed the Long Gun Registry. Step in the right direction, eh? Way to go Canada!
Almost, but it still has 2 other steps go through before being discarded as the failure it has proven to be.

Their house passed a bill killing the Registry and it now goes to the Canadian Senate. If it makes it out of the Senate it still has to be signed by the PM before the law in Canada changes to get rid of the Registry.
Going out on a limb here, I predict that blood will NOT flow in the street, but if one listens closely, one will hear the gnashing of certain teeth of frustrated controllers all across the world, not just Canada O Canada.

All that money spent for... :scrutiny:

...there's a lesson or two to be learned here if anyone in DC or the U.N. is taking notes. ;)

Go Maple Leafs.
You mean the lesson that there is an opportunity to spend huge sums of tax dollars on needless and ineffective legislation??? I think they learned that one a long time ago.
Justin- as far as I'm led to believe, there isn't much of a pro gun movement. Most of my family are gun owners and hunters in Canada, and they don't even care about the gun registry getting axed or not, they just don't like the taxes and hassle. Hell, my dad didn't even know about it until I told him! You've got two sides (for the most part, some are very pro gun): the anti gun, and the people who don't care.

The fight isn't over yet. Still a few more months of work.

Plus, as soon as it passes as expected there is a lawsuit that will be filed to stop the destruction of the registry data on gun owners.
Good riddance, the long-gun registry was a colossal waste of money and accomplished nothing. Expect to hear Wendy Cukier frothing at the mouth before this thing is over.
yes, on to the Senate for approval, which should be NO Problem as the Senate is made up in majority of the current Majority Federal Government,
then signed into LAW by the Prime Minister of Canada, then Done Deal !

but "some of us" ??,,,,,,,,, question the Prime Ministers "sobriety" in recent days, as he just returned from a trip to China and the end result our illustrious Prime Minister of Canada went ahead and RENTED ! that's is right! RENTED !

2 PANDA BEARS from China, on a TEN Year Contract, to reside at Canadian ZOOs,,,,,,,,

at a cost of $10 Million Canuck Dollars,,,, PLUS monthly Panda-room and Panda-board !:cuss:
The bill goes to the Senate and then to the GG for Royal Ascent, not the PM.
Yes, it was a great waste of money and accomplished nothing. Now to get rid of the handgun nonsense.
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