Cant make up my mind

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I have a SIG. P-220 .45 ACP instead of a GLOCK only because I don't like striker fired wepons. Nothing wrong with a GLOCK, I just prefer a hammer.:)
That's a tough one, for sure. If weight were my primary concern and I was lining up for a firearm that was carried a lot, I'd have to go with the compact glock, I reckon: they weigh in a lot less than the Sigs. If it's a carry-a-lot-shoot-not-so-much gun, how about a 10mm G29 or a G30 (.45) or a G33 (.357). Of course, if your considering Glock, it would seem that you are opening a door that leads into a room that is just chock full polymer goodies. :)
Good luck.
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