Car Seat Holsters

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I've got two, one in both me and my wife's cars. They're good, if you can get them on their tight enough. It can be a PITA to get the thing to fit right so that you can draw the gun. Once you get it on, it's nice not to have 2lb piece of steel poking you in the ribs.:D Great for long trips where you will be spending several hours on the road.
I made my own.

First, I purchased a cheap nylon holster and cut the belt loop off of it.

Next, I attached a piece of velcro to the side.

I then stuck an adhesive strip of velcro on the side of my center console between the console and the passenger's seat.

I now have a holster which is securely fastened about a foot away from my right thigh on my strong side. Between the velcro and how it is wedged between the seat and console, it prevents my pistol from falling down into the seat, it holds the pistol secure from movement, keeps it instantly accessible with the grip just above the seat edge, and if you're in a state that requires it to be open in your vehicle, it's visible, yet it cannot be seen very easily by passing vehicles. (Just try and look at the passenger seat of a car next to you when driving) It can be done, but only if you definately know where you're looking, and only at risk to life and limb, so I'd consider it fairly concealed.

When entering or exiting the vehicle, it's a snap between my hip and the car holster, and vicey-versey.

Much more comfortable than having the thing digging into my side, and much much faster if I need it in a "situation" rather than worrying about clothing, seatbelt, or body position if it were on my hip.
I made my own.

First, I purchased a cheap nylon holster and cut the belt loop off of it.

Next, I attached a piece of velcro to the side.

I then stuck an adhesive strip of velcro on the side of my center console between the console and the passenger's seat.

Think it's secure enough to stay put in a collision? Having that weight flying around inside the car could be nasty.
Think it's secure enough to stay put in a collision?

Yes. I'm not going to say it's 100%, but if I get in a wreck bad enough to make it come loose, it doing so is the least of my problems. The dumptruck in my back seat would be more of a concern.
All I could think of when I read this title was attaching a holster to my 3 yr old son's car seat! :D
I improvised. I keep my CCW piece in my car when I'm not carrying it. I have an IWB holster and I spread the side of the seat away from the center console and stuff the holster down in it. Then I put the pistol in. There is enough force holding it in place that I can draw the gun without drawing the pistol. To keep it concealed, I put an old ratty baseball hat over the top of the grip and you'll never know it's there.
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