Carjacking, if it were you while carrying?

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Some good responses here, many that mirror my own thoughts.

Force can only be applied to end a threat to yourself or another. You'd best know that "other" well enough to potentially do jail time for it.

In most places, discharging a firearm is considered to be an action intended to do harm to another. Aiming at tires isn't a good idea, as you were taking an action reasonably assumed to cause harm toward someone no longer a threat to you. Same goes for "warning shots". If someone needs shot, shoot them. If they don't need shot, there's no place for a gun. And that's just the legality, not even considering that you're firing shots at a low angle likely to ricochet across a parking lot probably full of people. Negligence, IMO.

Making a play against a drawn gun is risky in the best of circumstances, suicidal in most. The thing that would change my response is if my family is in the car. No way I'm letting someone drive off in a car that contains my wife and/or kids. He better shoot me lots, because that's what I'll be doing right back. Same with being told to get in the passenger or back seat. There's a reason most people who analyze such crimes call it "the death ride". Drop the keys and get out? Your hear that jingling sound? That's my keys on the pavement.

There is a time and a place for reacting to an unfolding situation. A gun stuck in your chest is usually a time to bide your time or changing the situation in your favor.

Muggers expect many guys to be armed. When they suddenly appear from out of your blind spots, how do you Then reach for a weapon without getting shot? Career thugs already have the tactical advantage.
Attackers often run very quickly and quietly. This happened to a member of our gun club. The mugger was suddenly right in front of him as he left the bank (got his wallet).
Why do people assume that almost every attacker walks up slowly from your 12 o'clock and slowly reaches into a pocket or under a shirt?:confused:

There was a lady in Cordova, a Memphis suburb.
Why did she imagine that already being in the robber's gun sights, she could somehow stop him by Then reaching for her gun? It's the last decision she made before she died.
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I'd be happy to be unhurt and gladly let him take the vehicle while I called 911.

Also the silver lining to this story is:

Hopefully this is not construed as racist, but it would be excellent to have a black doctor on our side (if he's not already).
I'd be happy to be unhurt and gladly let him take the vehicle while I called 911.

Also the silver lining to this story is:

Hopefully this is not construed as racist, but it would be excellent to have a black doctor on our side (if he's not already).
Good for him and telling the truth can never be construed as racist.

Thanks for all the responses. It definitely helps to have input from people with a lot more experience than me when it comes to conceal carrying. A lot of variables come into play when put into an unfortunate situation. Hopefully it never happens however it never hurts to be prepared as best as possible........
Remember that happened in real time. You on the other hand, are doing the Monday morning quarter back scenario.

If you ever do get car jacked you will certainly be in real time.
The advice given is right on the money... Now for a few things most haven't thought of....
I live and work in south Florida and am in some fairly dangerous areas late at night by myself quite a bit (I'm a full time fishing guide and run both day and night trips out of a small skiff that I tow with my truck...). I long ago added a hidden kill switch to my truck and activate it just after starting it every time so that when it's parked it can't be started with keys (or by removing the ignition switch without finding that tiny little switch). You can only start the car after turning the kill switch off.... The only way it can be stolen when it's parked is by using a wrecker.... Talk to your mechanic -you'll learn that a kill switch is very low cost and easily hidden... Get the drop on me and you'll get my keys every time (and my wallet, etc.). As you're getting into my ride I'm retreating so that I'm not around when you realize the truck won't start... Kill switches defeat most ordinary auto thieves as well since once they've ripped out the ignition switch, if they can't start the car they've got to abandon it... since the evidence to convict is right there....

Because I'm also a retired cop I know that some folks aren't exactly human...That means whenever and wherever I am as I approach my car in any parking lot I'm doing that whole situational awareness thing - always. Your awareness of your surroundings and the players nearby is life itself in my world... No I'm not looking to fight anyone, and 99.9% of the time the folks around you (even the ugly looking ones...) are minding their own business but all it takes is one time to get the other extreme - someone who sees you as a victim.... None of this involves reaching for a gun (particularly since I don't carry -and haven't since I retired 20 years ago....). Where I walk and where I position myself as I approach my vehicle depends on what and who's near by and what they're doing. If I suspect I might have a problem developing I'm putting myself with my truck between me and whoever's approaching or heading the other way before anything bad goes down. How I go about it is another story - but there are always things you can do -including full out flight if it's needed... that might just ruin any assailant's plans... If you aren't aware of your surroundings you're terribly vulnerable. By the way - down here I figure it's a fifty-fifty proposition whether a carjacker shoots before taking the car or not (we have our share of critters that look like humans -but aren't...). For any armed citizen, once you are aware of those approaching and are smart enough to move to a position where you have gained some cover and the advantage that it provides... you'll have to be the one who makes the decision to go to condition three or retreat or use some other method of defusing a potential problem. Me, I'd like to stay out of courtrooms for the rest of my life....
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For those who have never had a gun pointed at them: I suspect you really have no idea what that is like to have the threat of being gravely injured or killed right in your face.

I have had a gun in my face and I can tell you it is not a thing you want to go through. The only thing I could think is how do I exit this situation.
Year was 1978 in Abilene TX at a gas station right outside the main gate at Dyess AFB. I exited the scene without giving up anything.

If I had had a gun on me I would have done exactly the same thing, I would have exited the situation at the earliest possible moment.
Carjacking is the stealing of a car through the use or threat of violence that would be reasonably expected to cause great bodily harm or death.

If you threaten to maim or kill me (and create the reasonable perception of the ability to do so), I'm going to take you at your word... and shoot you until you're no longer and immediate threat.
If you do that when he has the drop on you, you are a dead man.
If somebody wants to jack my 2006 Ford Focus, they're welcome to it. I would be tempted to watch them try to work the clutch though.

The kill switch is a great idea. Since standard transmissions are getting rare, it seems like a good addition to an auto transmission.
If somebody wants to jack my 2006 Ford Focus, they're welcome to it
You are confusing auto theft and carjacking. Criminals do not rob property--they rob people.

Giving up the property may be the best thing to do, but there is no guarantee that the robbers will not harm the victims--or take the victim with them.
I agree completely. As has been stated, I'll defend myself if I can. To quote Grampster, "Sometimes fight. Sometimes run. Sometimes do nothing."
Well, with a gun in your chest, you have few good choices. If I gave the keys and wallet and they drove I wouldn't shoot them. Most new vehicles have LoJack and are insured.
Unfortunately my car has a built in anti-carjacking device called a stick shift.

I might have to deal with the carjacker a 2nd time if he can't drive away. Gotta plan for that.
Carjacking...sitting inside your car when a crook points a gun at you to get your car.
Robbery...being held-up for your keys in a parking lot a long way from car.

Depending on your State, knowing the difference could be the difference between a duty to retreat or not.

You aren't beating an aimed gun with a draw from concealment. You buy yourself time and toss the keys on the ground and run the other way.
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