One man's idea of pragmatic is going to be different than that of another man. Pragmatic and indulgence may be two sides of the same coin, depending on the individual.
I typically choose to carry either one of my more than half a dozen 5-shot snubs, or one of a pair of LCP's as a daily retirement or LEOSA weapon.
Of the handguns I own, or have owned (as I've recently decided to start thinning the herd a bit), covering just the handguns with which I've trained, qualified and have carried as authorized off-duty weapons, I could carry a different handgun every day and not carry the same one for more than a month (maybe 6 weeks?). Yes, that means that I was putting in a lot of hours with them while working our training & qual ranges, working as an instructor, and even while attending outside training as a student.
That said, now that I'm retired and no longer anticipating the possibility of invoking peace officer status and becoming
actively involved in an enforcement action as an off-duty cop, my choices have changed a bit.
I've kept my hand in things as an active trainer for my former agency in the years since I've retired, up until a couple months ago, when I decided I was finally ready to stop being a LE firearms trainer. Maybe I'll hang out my own shingle, but that's a decision for a bit later. For the moment I'm considering doing some writing for publishing in the training field. I'll still maintain my skills using my assorted 9's, .40's & .45's, and depending on my planned daily activities or travel plans (road trips) I'll sometimes belt one on, but I prefer to choose from among the smaller and lighter options nowadays.
Although I'm a long time revolver, 1911 owner/shooter/trainer (I presently own 5 1911's) and traditional double action (DA/SA) metal-framed pistol shooter, I've invested many years also becoming acclimated to using some of the assorted plastic pistols, too, as trainer, owner/user and armorer. The last 3 armorer certificates I've received in recent months were for plastic pistols made by a couple of the major gun companies, and more than half of the 26 armorer certificates I've accumulated have been for one or another plastic pistol line. Might as well stay current with some of them, especially since I own several (9?) plastic pistols.
I could decide tomorrow to carry
only one of the ubiquitous plastic pistols, or a revolver, or a 1911 or one of my assorted 3rd gen S&W's (9, .40 & .45) ... and feel just as comfortable with any of them becoming my sole choice.
For the time being, however, I hope to continue using all of them, and continuing to maintain my skillset with all of them.
When I eventually reach the point I no longer want to invest in so much range time, I'll probably narrow down my choices, accordingly. Why bother to try and keep up with keeping so many different guns clean all the time, anyway?