carrying a gun inside a waistband

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Feb 25, 2012
I was at a restaurant a while ago in a foreign country and a guy came in with a handgun tucked into his waistband in the small of his back. Was this guy just an idiot, or is this a legitimate way to carry a gun?
They do it a lot in the movies.

Therefore, not a smart way to carry.

It might work briefly if you didn't have a holster but would not be very secure. Might get jostled out or maybe even fall down into the pants!

Of course, better to have it in the back than the front w/o a holster.
Guns are heavy and poorly balanced (esp. polymer frames). Waistbands are weak support. Trigger is unprotected. Yeaaaaaaaaah. Small of back has it's own issues even with proper holstered carry anyway
Mexican carry is pretty popular with people who don't know better, think they are cool, or haven't shot themselves yet. Stay well away from anyone that Mexican carries... They don't always shoot themselves...

"It made a loud noise and scared a lot of people in the store," Sessions said. "I believe he shot himself in the testicles and he also had some injuries to his leg and foot. He was obviously in shock."

You can be stupider than the small of the back, but why? ;)

Buddy has carried his in the front of his pants for years, but he uses a holster to do it. Without, it's just asking for trouble.
My friend carries his 1911 on the small of his back. He has a grip clip on the gun to hold it. Not my style, but he seems to get by with it at least for the 5 years I have known him.
Living up to the stereotype often called "Mexican Carry." Looks stupid in the movies when its done with flashpaper firearms, and even worse with loaded, real firearms. With the variety of holsters available today there is no reason to carry without a holster.
I was at a restaurant a while ago in a foreign country and ...

Not every place in the world has anything even close to the firearms "culture" we have here, with the access to products and information that we enjoy. Sticking a gun in your waistband (or a belt or sash) has been a common way to carry a handgun since the invention of the firearm.

Doesn't mean the guy was an idiot, he just probably does what he was shown to do by others in his area or culture.

Walk into any city in any part of the world where guns are common and you'll find all sorts of folks carrying all sorts of handguns. But you're not likely to see them perusing Milt Sparks' latest catalog.

The US is different, and "our" way IS better. But that's not to denigrate folks from other cultures who make due with what they have.
Small of back has it's own issues even with proper holstered carry anyway
Excuse my ignorance since I am new to CCW, but please educate me on what they are.
Excuse my ignorance since I am new to CCW, but please educate me on what they are.
Also, as you bend and move, your cover garment can ride up and get hung on the gun, exposing it in such a way that you're the only one who doesn't know you're flashing.

It is about the worst position for general concealment. Your back tends to be where your clothes drape most snugly, especially as you move which draws the cover garment tightly against the gun -- "printing" badly and without the benefit of your arms hanging in front to obstruct the view.
Carrying directly on the spine in small of back carry is usually rather uncomfortable, shirt rides up, and if you fall down and land on your weapon...well say hi to a wheelchair. Sometimes I find it more comfortable to carry just above my kidney. If you fall it may bruise your kidney and might pee blood for a few days if bad enough. But you will still be able to walk.
Another good reason not to carry in the small of the back, you have to reach back behind yourself to get your gun placing your arm in a position where the bad guy can gain control of your arm rendering your arm useless, and it's painful too. (I think it's called a hammer lock)
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