Carrying a Walking Cane...

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an old man with a cane, and the man turned out to be either Mr. Fairbarin or Rex Applegate, much to the misfortune of the thugs?

A wolf in old-man-cane's clothing you say? This thread just keeps getting better and better!

Who says you can't buy the orange suit from dumb and dumber (movie) and walk around spinning the cane?

I'd do it.

If this thread gets any more hellarious it will need to be published in a book!

Been a cane user for a good while now (pretty much any edged weapon, Long sword, short sword, broad sword, hand a half, spear, saber, epee almost any japanese/chinese/european/american sword...) I only got into canes when i had a motorcycle accident and I actually NEEDED a cane. After a while I switched to a sword cane. Not many people actually noticed it until one girl was playing with it. It was interesting.
good luck
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