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CBS canceled the nuclear apocalypse TV drama, Jericho

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Jan 5, 2007
Land of the free
Bad news guys, Jericho the show with all the rifles, side arms, and self protection in it was canceled. So send this link to as many people that you know watches the show, and who you think will sign the petition.

There is a slight chance that another station COULD possibly pick it back up if they notice a large commotion, but it's very slim, and even more slim if everyone doesn't at least complain, and voice your opinion that you enjoyed it, and wanted to keep watching it!

Here is the link:http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?09272006

I am so mad! :mad: I think we should protest! :cuss:
Will protest...

However, did you really expect that
Jericho, the show with all the rifles, side arms, and self protection in it
would last long on the
C ommunist
B roadcasting
S ystem
oh come on guys... I somehow doubt Jericho got canceled due to a hidden agenda. With the tv stations I really believe that it all comes down to ratings. If Jericho didn't make the cut with ratings, it got cut from the network. I don't think CBS would care what they broadcast.... just so long as it gets good ratings and there are lots of viewers to watch commercials.

ETA: although I'm happy to sign it.
The show did have a slight left wing conspiracy plot. It was far right wing nationalist that caused the horrific destruction of major US cities under the guise of saving the country from itself.
Geronimo45 - as much as I'll admit I think they're dumb - the answer is yes surprisingly.

I have a friend who was heavily involved in starting and running petitions for some show that was on the Sci-Fi channel, and it got so much attention that he was on the news along with the petition and the channel supposedly started really listening.

Currently this petition seems to be very active and is listed on the front page of petitions online.... however that may not mean much as it's sandwiched between "stop the dolphin and whale killings" and "NBA Suspension Injustice" LOL :p
"JERICHO," was cancelled because it had poor to medium ratings. That won't cut it in the extremely competitive television markets.

As much as I dislike the usual bias of CBS pap dispensers, I assure you, the cancellation did not have anything to do with "guns and self defense." If that were the case, the show would NEVER have gotten on the air.

There is not one script that is filmed, that is not read by several very highly placed people in CBS ... or any other network, for that matter. When they speak, their word is law.

Whomever at the top of CBS series programing "greenlighted" that series, already knew exactly what the plot was, where it was going, and that the people of Jericho would be using weapons to defend themselves and the town.

Poor ratings shot down "Jericho," just as have poor ratings have shot down countless teeeveee series over the years, and will in the future.

It's all about $$$$$$. :cool:

A petition could work. If it wasn't for the Firefly fans there wouldn't of been a movie, :D
Dumb as the show was at times, I need some closure. Why is it that the shows that I get hooked on always get canceled? (Yes, I know. Poor ratings, money, competitive marketplace etc.)

Good luck with your petition. Maybe you can pull off another Star Trek, or a Family Guy, and get another season or two. Or at least a movie, like Firefly.
Gad. although I started the season as a fan I was losing interest and for some good reasons. The Blackthorn group or whatever it was were depicted as having done many atrocities in Iraq. What utter liberal bull****. Right Wing conspiracy to kill fellow Americnasm ah the nightmare of the American left. The character of Jake being such a bad ass that he was on a list by the FBI. ****fire, i saw tougher people than him clean the messhalls. The concept of a little farm town on it's own when in actuality County Govt would have quickly stepped in to provide leadership. Huge area of the mid-west unhit. Neighbors would have come together very quickly. The concept that ground nucs would have destroyed American is bull****. 24 is a bit more realistic with a section of LA wiped out, 5,000 casualties, not 500,000 from the same size bomb. The screenwriters took a good concept and by using very little research blew it.
Figures, I would watch each episode at least twice, (live and on the tivo before the live one). Its BS that they cut it. With all the preaching I have done to my sheepe-GF, one episode had her saying, "Maby a few guns wouldn't be that bad."
This show has made many people wake up and do something about protecting their families in the event of something like this happening. It would be a shame to deny more people the opportunity to 'see the light'. Plus it's a great show!
My guess is that if the show had been just a hair more realistic it could have gotten the ratings to stick it out.

I just don't believe that someone can get on their palm pilot and control a satellite in orbit that can spy on anyone I want. It just does not work that way.

There were way too many things that were just not believable for those of us who might have enjoyed it, starting with their premises of just who blew up US cities. keep in mind the only people that ever have destroyed US cities have been mostly liberal Democrats and the jihadists they support.
Ditto. One of the few shows that I watch with regularity and the only CBS offering worth watching.
First Katie Couric. Now this. What other atrocities are the CBS programming execs planning?
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I must one of the few people who thought the show was anti-gun.

I never felt it was overtly anti-gun so much as written by people who did not have much of a clue about firearms, or life for that matter.
If Firefly couldnt make it on Fox, what makes anyone think that the same type of show would even get started on CBS.

TV really is just an endless sea of crap with islands of Heroes, Battlestar Galactica and Firefly. Oh and Robot Chicken.
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