CBS Fair and Balanced?

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Mar 27, 2004
I seen on Newsmax today that Mr. Heywood of CBS news went to the Whitehouse to patch up things between the Bush Admin. and CBS news after the Dan Blather blow up during the Election campaign. He reportedly told the Whitehouse that CBS news would more "fair and Balanced." I supposed that means that some night The "Dan" will say,"And starting tonight folks CBS news will be "Fair and balanced",in our reporting." :rolleyes:

*wipes tears from eyes*

That's a good one!

Sure they will ... :scrutiny:

And if you think so I have this bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell ... :rolleyes: :D
Don't know anything about SeeBS. I only get one channel and it's NBC. That's bad enough.
Back in the days of the Cold War, CBS was widely rumored to stand for "Communist Broadcasting System".

In South Africa, in the 1980's, I personally witnessed a CBS television crew in a township where there had been a lot of civil unrest and violence. I watched as the reporter (trailed by a cameraman and sound man) talked to a local activist leader, and handed over several banknotes. Within an hour, there was another unrest incident at that spot (filmed, of course, by the CBS crew), and two people were seriously injured in the process.

Draw your own conclusions... I did.

I lost all faith in the news media in general and CBS in particular after the Gen. Westmoreland law suit. :barf:
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