CBS' Mary Mapes, in 'Vanity Fair,' Defends Role in 'RatherGate'

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The subject is the rehabilitation of Mary Mapes over Rathergate,
(rather like the rehabilitation of Alger Hiss or Michael Bellesiles in
my not so humble opinion), not as relevent to islamic radicalism
vs the Quran.
We should consider ourselves fortunate Mapes has written a book that will lay out, in glorious detail, the full scope of the delusional and agenda-driven thinking that guides those in high places in today's American media.
I am astounded how fast a perfectly good thread can veer into the ditch.

Back to Mapes. Saw her on O, and tried to pay attention but was distracted with rabbits in top hats hopping around. The lady's position is she knew the story is correct and it is up to her detractor to prove the story is wrong. Nooooo, really. She said it.

Sorta makes me wonder how much of MSM plays loose with facts. I wonder how many of them think they are the anchor of truth and that what they say is correct. Just amazing!
Saw Mapes on Chris Matthews at the gym last night.

I am speechless. I cannot believe her level of self-delusion. She still believes that the memos are true because they HAVE to be true to justify her actions!:scrutiny:

2+2=5 because the Party tells her that it is and it shows Bush is evil.:D

I'm reminded of the Chinese Emperor who as a child in seeking the path to Buddhahood ran away and hid and had his servants tell his heart-broken parents that he was kidnapped and the ransom was to be paid to nearby monks. The Emperor justified his lies that he was being a good Buddhist.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
El Tejon said:
I am speechless. I cannot believe her level of self-delusion. She still believes that the memos are true because they HAVE to be true to justify her actions!:scrutiny:

I saw a couple of interviews with her. Just another liberal windbag. The entire left is self-delusional. I hope her book doesn't sell. She's just doing the interviews to sell books and make money. Another lib hypocrite.
Anyone who reads Mapes' "Truth and Doodoo" ought to be
required to read the Thornburgh-Boccardi Report which
should still be posted at the CBS news website.

Mapes single-mindedly pusued incriminatory evidence and
ignored or dismissed exculpatory evidence. Shabby journalism.
On a level with Bellesiles' Arming America.

The CBS memos were not from "the dead guy" Lt Col Killian
but were forgeries from Bill Burkett a fanatical Bush hater.
Bill Burkett is still alive.
Exactlly. Old Marxist handbook dictum: When cornered, lie BIGGER.

I also always thought that any american has the right to be as commie as he or she wants because that's part of the freedoms that we fight for.

Fighting to protect the freedom to abolish freedom? Sorry, theocracies tend to be a one-way trip to Palookaville.
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