ccw location

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Jan 3, 2009
After reading a few eye opening encounters and talking to a bud about possible scenarios, im beginning to rethink my carry location.

Currently I carry strong side, about 3:30-4:30 area. Now when I am carrying there, I have no feasible means of drawing my gun with my weak hand. If someone were to break my strong arm, or half-nelson me, or if it was incapacitated by another means.. Id be SOL.

I see one possible solution is for a BUG. My other solution is to just deal with that as being a weakness in my carry set-up. Or possibly moving where I carry to perhaps a belly band type deal. I couldn't pull off a shoulder rig, and SOB isnt an option either, way too uncomfortable and I have other issues with it as well.

Just would like to hear some of your thoughts on the subject etc.
Im trying to teach myself to defend against someone striking me, with only my left hand/arm so as to minimize my chances of a strong arm injury etc.

Anyways. Thanks for the input!
You can still reach it...

I like to carry IWB at 3:30 also. I've found that I can reach it with my weak hand if I turn my torso to the left and reach behind my back with my weak hand.

There's a great picture of this in one of the latest editions of Combat Handgunnery by Mas Ayoob
yea, maybe i could too, if i werent shaped like a pear!

Guess I should have added the information about being a lardass!@
Well, it's always a good idea to be in 1/2 way decent shape.

If you can't reach the gun behind your back, then a Keltec .380 in the left pocket should work fine.

My choice....

When not working LEO mission I like a close location to what my mind and hand knows the gun is at all the rest of the time.... I like in the pant belt line and fairly deep. My secondary is a inside and above left ankle. It would allow for a left handed draw if my right arm is unable to conduct business with my primary side and pistol. Just my way......It works and feels right to me...
I use a crossdraw with a neutral cant at a high 9:00 to 9:30 position. It's easy to draw quickly with either hand. Easy to draw when driving or otherwise sitting. Also a movement toward the gun doesn't necessarily telegraph your intentions. The crossdraw is not a good LE position, but for Joe Citizen it offers a lot of advantages.
I carry my off-duty weapon on my strong side at about the 3:30 position, but I would offer this; if you are in a tussle with someone who may be doing the half-nelson thing or maybe just holding your shootin' arm, consider carrying a pocket knife clipped to the top of your pocket on the weak side. If you can reach it and deploy it with your weak hand, it may buy you some time or distance. Just a thought...
if you are in a tussle with someone who may be doing the half-nelson thing or maybe just holding your shootin' arm, consider carrying a pocket knife clipped to the top of your pocket on the weak side. If you can reach it and deploy it with your weak hand, it may buy you some time or distance.

Try this-
Just under your ear lobe at the back of your jawbone there is an indentation. Put your finger in it and pull forward hard. Hurts don't it? Might buy you some time if in the above situation as well.

A word of warning, this might not work on some very small people.
One reason you stay in the "Always same place mode" under stress your hand goes to the old place! Not cool.

Most confrontations seem to fall into the facing each other type of deal, might not be a good idea to have the pistol in a non access place, cross draw, shoulder holster. In fact a cross draw is just about as easy to grab from the front, by Joe the opponent than you?
I am also of the philosophy that it is a good idea to carry my weapon in the same place when on-duty or off. My hand instinctually goes towards that spot when I need a gun, and that's where I keep the gun.

You can what-if yourself all day, but the fact remains that every carry position has advantages and disadvantages. I have always carried a knife on my left side pants pocket, for as long as I've been in LE. There is a very real threat that I could someday be trying to maintain control over my own gun in a fight, and the left-hand knife could come in very handy in such a life/death situation!

In other words, I have options for both hands!
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