Chinese cops still use the 9 mm Makarov widely

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It looked as though the first shot was intended for shock value, and fortunately it made for a positive result. Given the positions and behavior of the perp and his hostage, however, I probably would have hidden somewhere within 25 yards and taken the unusually easy head shot instead. Does that sound crazy or does it seem safer than what was actually done in this case? At that range or less, I don't recall having ever missed a head-sized target with a pistol (and with a rifle, it would be an easy shot).
Okay...they do some things better than we do.

Negotiate that is...

Making a head shot at 25yards with a little tiny pistol is no easy task when the subject is moving and looking left to right. There is way too much risk to the hostage than a shot taken at 3-5yards as it happened. Also, they knew the guy had a pair of scissors which made the "rambo charge" more reasonable.
That was a lucky shot. A well trained SWAT team would have taken that guy out with a head shot at distance. That guy was aleast a foot taller and offered a large target.
That was a lucky shot. A well trained SWAT team would have taken that guy out with a head shot at distance. That guy was aleast a foot taller and offered a large target.
Very interesting. I don't know that one instance is evidence that the 9mak is used "widely" as the title suggests.
But darn good shooting!
She sure had a sh*t eating grin on her face after she shot the hostage taker. Kudos to her.

The Chinese police need snipers. A sniper would have shot him as he raised the water bottle to take a drink.
In some places of the world, some folks still bathe in their p**-water, though this doesn’t provide me with any reason to follow suit. I suspect there are “better ways” of doing things.

As for the 9x18, I find it a dandy little cartridge and potent enough for many applications. However, I also suspect there may be other, more acceptable cartridges better suited for military and police-type work. I would think much of China’s reasons for still relying on the 9x18 has more to do with logistics and finances than any other reason.
I don't recall having ever missed a head-sized target with a pistol (and with a rifle, it would be an easy shot).

But did you ever have to do it when someone's life was at stake?
Note that she not only put the guy down, but then followed up with three more insurance head shots when he was on the ground.

Making a head shot at 25yards with a little tiny pistol is no easy task when the subject is moving and looking left to right.

Well, it looked like he held still enough at times to make an easy enough target. I'm not talking about typical defensive handgun shooting but a very carefully aimed shot taken only when the conditions are just right (and maybe 15 yards would be more reasonable as long as there is some concealment).

There is way too much risk to the hostage than a shot taken at 3-5yards as it happened.

I could swear that the first shot was deliberately missed so as not to endanger the hostage.

Also, they knew the guy had a pair of scissors which made the "rambo charge" more reasonable.

Sure, if the perp had a gun or at least a big knife or sword, then it would have been a better justification for taking a head shot from concealment. As it was, the "Rambo charge" was a better tactic, at least in this case.

That guy was aleast a foot taller and offered a large target.

I know, that's why it's so tempting to call for a head shot (if the perp were truly more dangerous than he apparently was in this case), even with a handgun. With a rifle, it should be no problem. There seems to be a lot of similar hostage situations in that part of the world, so you'd think they'd have a few sharpshooters on the job by now.

"I don't recall having ever missed a head-sized target with a pistol (and with a rifle, it would be an easy shot)."

But did you ever have to do it when someone's life was at stake?

Would that somehow make me miss so badly that I'd hit the hostage, who in this case is nowhere near that guy's head? :confused: I can make that shot all day long on paper (slow-fire only, of course), and sometimes that target is swinging from side-to-side, too. What's the difference in real life, aside from the dire circumstances required in order to take such a chance with somebody's life? If I can hit a paper head consistently, then I should be able to hit a real one just as well (as long as he holds still for a second, like when he's chugging water). Now, if his head were right next to hers or I had to take a quick shot, then I would say forget about it due to extremely high risk (unless there were absolutely no alternatives).
Also considering the fact that if He sees you holding a gun to him even at a distance, Hes most likely gonna assume your gonna shoot and start moving around.
We're all missing the most important lesson of this tragedy. If China outlawed scissors, this would have never happened.
Her smile at the end was priceless.

She laughed, too. :D Gee, I wonder if she's going to agonize over what she did for the rest of her life, waking up in a cold sweat every night thinking about how she ended the life of somebody else's precious, precious child. Yeah, maybe then she'll join China's Billion Mom March movement, and advocate disarming police forces all over the country so that such a heinous tragedy will never happen again. ;)

On second thought, she more likely sent the following text message to her friends (translated): "omg i just shot a scumbag ded lolz!"

We're all missing the most important lesson of this tragedy. If China outlawed scissors, this would have never happened.

Now that's just going too far. All they'd have to do is require that all scissors have round points, much like knives in Great Britain. While they're at it, they should have legislation in place requiring that all sheets of paper have edges treated with silicone in order to prevent their potential use as cutting weapons. :rolleyes:
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We're all missing the most important lesson of this tragedy. If China outlawed scissors, this would have never happened.

There's a couple flaws with this logic. First, if China outlawed scissors, how do you expect prisoners to cut grass? Second, outlawing scissors wouldn't make any difference as everyone knows how easy it is to manufacture a pair of scissor from two bayonets.
Your logic is flawed Snowdog, The government says that we will then be safe so it must be true!
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