Chinese updating their Type 95 bullpup & Ammo

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Leave it to the chinese to try to have the newest toy and then have it perform dismally. As to the crazy penetration and range claims, it's a little hard to believe. I think we should take anything the chinese say with a grain of salt.


Double Barreled Ugly

Jeez, halfway through the review it was sounding good - bullpups would be great for CQB, shooting from halfway-armored vehicles, paratroops, security forces (a la M1 Carbine) and teams for crew-served weapons. Bigger bullet than the (I spit) 5.56. Claimed penetration sounds good.

The ergonomics kind of blow all those nice features. Yeah, leave it to the Chinese to start with really foul powder and corrosive primers.:barf: IMHO they had a better deal when they were just stealing designs :scrutiny:from the Russians. The fire selector is.... where? Oh, man......:eek:
Still no better subsitute than a simple, regular DI AR15.

The Chinese rifle might not be better today but could very well be better later on, trying new things and making improvements is what leads to innovation.
IMHO they had a better deal when they were just stealing designs from the Russians.

And the Brits. And the French. And us. And Japan. And any other country with something resembling an industrialized society.
Here's the thing that always stands out to me about that rifle. The average Chinese recruit probably stands about 5'5"-5'6" tall and the LOP on that thing is better suited to NBA centers. I can just picture Chinese soldiers wearing body armor and winter clothing trying to shoulder those things with their arms out at full extension.
Here's the thing that always stands out to me about that rifle. The average Chinese recruit probably stands about 5'5"-5'6" tall and the LOP on that thing is better suited to NBA centers. I can just picture Chinese soldiers wearing body armor and winter clothing trying to shoulder those things with their arms out at full extension.

The bullpup is actually on the small side for the average white guy. Have you handle one before?

Typical height of Chinese male is 5'6"-5'8" nowadays, the bullpup is a perfect fit for them.
The bullpup is actually on the small side for the average white guy. Have you handle one before?

Unless their 5.8mm round is the length of a .22 LR it's not. All you have to do is look at the width of the magazine to tell that that thing has got at least a 15" LOP and probably longer. That's about the right size for Masai tribesmen or Samoan football players, but it's way too long for everyone else, especially when you're talking about soldiers wearing packs, heavy clothing and body armor.
FWIW, I have a longer than usual 14" LOP on one of my AK's. The width of the Hungarian mag is 2.5" so the LOP is about 5.5x's the width of one of my mags and that's for a long stock as I stand 6'1". On that QBZ, my measurements indicate that the LOP is 6.5x's the width of the mag. Assuming that their mag is 2.5" as well, that would make the LOP over 16".
A little off topic.

Leave it to the chinese to try to have the newest toy and then have it perform dismally. As to the crazy penetration and range claims, it's a little hard to believe. I think we should take anything the chinese say with a grain of salt.

See guys?

Still no better substitute than a simple, regular DI AR15.

I think it's a bad idea to underestimate any potential adversary. It’s that kind of thinking that allows a boat load of thugs to take over a multi million dollar tanker/container/cargo ship.

As for the AR platform being perfect I don’t think so. I think it’s a great weapon, done yeoman’s duty around the world and has served a long distinguished career. But if we haven’t identified some shortcomings or room for improvement, we are kidding ourselves.


Now before I get burned to a crisp in another THR flame fest; I do own two AR 15 lowers and three additional uppers. I shoot them and love them and would never give them up. But I do wish the government procurement process worked a little faster. Maybe the Chinese are planning ahead for something?
Type 95:


Muzzlelite Mini-14:


I feel like Scott from the movie Austin powers. I want to sneeze and say "Ripoff!"
Regardless of how the rifle looks their cartridge has the potential to outperform both the 5.56 and 5.45. More powder + bigger bullet is better. I wouldn't mind that cartridge with some Hornady OTM instead of the AP round.:D
I'm happy to hear the PLA is having trouble with this one.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :evil:
A little off topic.
Leave it to the chinese to try to have the newest toy and then have it perform dismally. As to the crazy penetration and range claims, it's a little hard to believe. I think we should take anything the chinese say with a grain of salt.
See guys?

Still no better substitute than a simple, regular DI AR15.
I think it's a bad idea to underestimate any potential adversary. It’s that kind of thinking that allows a boat load of thugs to take over a multi million dollar tanker/container/cargo ship.

Eh, good point, but given the quality control that China has displayed over the last 5 years for various products, I wouldn't be surprised if they've been withholding stories of those rifles giving soldiers injuries through kB's...
Given that the Chinese government isn't above starving hundreds of thousands of people to death, I'm sure that a few "training fatalities" are considered the cost of doing business when developing a new rifle/cartridge over there.

pretty academic really.
if the PLA is after you your not going to have enough ammo to even slow them down

Man you got that RIGHT!! Just ask a Korean veteran!
I think it's a bad idea to underestimate any potential adversary.

+1 on that.
Read up on some of the stuff that was said about the Japanese before 12-7-41. After 12-7-41 no one was laughing anymore and it not like we didn't have fair warning when they kicked the Russians behind in 1905 at Tsushima.
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