Chinese vs American Danners

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Dec 23, 2002
Is there a huge difference in quality between the American vs the Chinese made Danners? When did they start making them overseas? Mine are only 1.5 years old and are all gray and beat up in certain areas. Is this wear normal?
I bought my Danners (Fort Lewis) from the Factory Outlet in Portland 7 years ago. I still wear them to this day during the colder months as my only work boots.

They are just now needing to be resoled, which is awesome to me, because for under $200, I have work them for a long time.

I used to use the Danner brand cream to put on them, and keep the pores open, but have given up on it, for good ol' Kiwi. I haven't noticed a differencein how well they keep my feet warm.
I've used the Ft. Lewis as my cold weather boot for 15 years. Not too long after I had them I ran out of the Danner treatment that came with them. I couldn't buy it locally at all. Since I wore them in uniform, I needed to keep em looking good and didn't want to ruin my expensive boots. I called the factory to find out how to get some more and was told to use Kiwi....

The straps on the back of the uppers finally pulled off...but after 15 years I figured that's pretty good.


My understanding is that the new Striker/Terra Force line is made overseas while all the traditional leather boots are still made in the US. My Danner catalog is a year old or so but it mentions which are made in the US and which are not -- well, the ones that aren't are missing the "made in the USA" marque. :)

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