Clean firing pin without detail stripping?

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Dec 31, 2005
I don't see the need to detail strip the frame to a semi-auto, but I think there is a case to be made for the slide. the firing pin channel, and extractor, can get gunk in it after a time. I was wondering if there was a good way to clean out the extractor and the firing pin without taking it apart. Those aresol canned products like Powderblast may work, but they also strip away all the oil, and then you left with the task of lightly re-lubing a firing pin channel without taking the pin out. Zero-lube mens rust, so while a firing pin must be dry, it still need an whisper light coat of oil.

So is there a way to clean the firing pin and channel and extractor, without having to detal strip the slide?
After it's clean, blow in some of the RemOil "aerosol" and then let all the fluid carrier evaporate.
I think I just saw this same thread on TFL?? Good answers already given over there.
I just spray it with Mpro7, and let it sit for 20 minutes or so. after that, wipe it and drop a few of oil, clp, kleenbore oil or whatever oil you use. stand the slide so excess oil will drip off and clear the channel.

Zero-lube means rust, so while a firing pin must be dry, it still need an whisper light coat of oil.

With a GLOCK, it must be dry. there won't be any rust with it either.
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