Cleaning a Lee Resizing Die?

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Jan 15, 2007
Do you clean your resizing dies? Is it something I should do on a regular basis or not at all? The ones I am referring to are the Lee Resizing Dies. What do you think?
Yes, I clean them. Disassembly, and a shot of scrubber / brake fluid works fine. Use a gunsmith's cotton swab on the interior to remove the junk.

Afterward, a light oil on the exterior for rust.

Jim H.
Dies do get dirty, gritty. Ain't no advantage in that.

I use cheap carborator or brake cleaner, wrap toilet tissue around a pencil to swab them.
It only takes a minute or two to clean a die so make a habit of cleaning all dies before using and you will find that they do work a bit nicer. A little brake cleaner and a shot of compressed air and your done.
Yes...I clean all my dies. Disassemble wipe with a lightly oily rag and reassemble. I do this about once every 3 months or when I think of it. No special solvents oils or greases. Just a gun oil dampened rag...
My 9mm lead loads were getting shorter. I checked the inside of my Lee bullet seating die, and it was loaded with gunk- a combination of bullet lube and a little lead. It took a fair amount of work to clean it all out, and now all's right with the world. When I load lead now, I check and clean the inside of the bullet seater and the factory crimp die after every couple hundred rounds.

It's no different than owning a gun, and that pertains to your press as well. For years of the best function possible, clean all your tools of the trade on a regular basis.
I use a powder solvent, cotton swab, patches and paper clips, whatever I can to get around in the cavity. Then I wipe clean, and spray with oil.

I attach a brass brush on my drill and run it through the die. Then I use a patch and run it through with a nylon brush to make it tighter.

Thank you
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