Cleaning patches stuck in AK’s recoil spring tunnel

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Recoil spring tunnel on a Kalasnikov bolt carrier?
I have cleaned mine a few times over the decades.
They can come crudded up with cheap grease oxidizing into crusty varnish. Shame on those who haven't done it at least once.

I am experienced in loosing a patch or two in a closed end cylinder, mostly .50 cal muzzleloading rifle barrels. I usually use a rifle cleaning rod with an old worn bronze bristle brush tip, push in, turn until the patch is snagged, pull it out.
You forgot to add powder to that load ?
I guess bullet doesn’t travel too far down the barrel solely on primer’s burn power ?

Lodged in the forcing cone, locking the cylinder. I wasn't having much luck driving it backwards, so I pulled it out the front.
Ask a black powder muzzle loader buddy to help. Cleaning rod and a worm should fetch it right out (like suggested on page 1).
Actually I just solved the problem !
Someone told me to make those patches little bit wet , use a longer screw with a shoe lace around it’s neck , long enough screwdriver, press into the patches and start twisting normally.
At some points patches will be caught in screw’s threads and you are able to pull them out using a shoe lace around screw’s neck.
It worked !
Thank you everyone for your advices and time !
Before trying this I actually tried using that tool called “retriever claw” from the auto store : it’s head diameter is greater than tunnel’s
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