Clerk disobeys rules and carries anyway, shoots back @ thug!

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I send a reply to Circle K Corporate

Praising the clerk and admonishing the Corp policy.

Stupid sumbichs !!!!
M2 Carbine said:
Any company policy that is likely to get you killed should be ignored.

Well said! Circle Jerks and 7 Eleven policies tell cashiers to just stand there and die. I once was a cashier at a Sunoco and the policies were "No Weapons Allowed, Bleed, Die, Look Stupid, Smile and Say Have a Nice Day" moronic kinda stuff. A gas station not more than 2 miles down the road from my store was robbed one night while I was on my shift. Nobody was hurt but it could've just as easily been me facing down a barrel. That robbery was enough incentive for me to quit and find another line of work.

The new job also doesn't allow weapons, but then I'm not dealing with large amounts of ca$h either.
thanks for screwing up my happy thoughts henry :neener:

If push comes to shove I am screwed unfortunatly. This is why I want to work from home or at least be my own boss in a store somewhere, no stupid rules to put up with.
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