Click, no boom, how long do you need to wait??

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Thanks guys,

I've found that part of the problem was not the ammo, but firing pin not hitting the primer. There is a condition on the BOHICA where an E clip gets mispositioned in the bolt assembly and caused the firing pin to not hit the primer. Once I figured it out, and got a new clip, it seems the problem is solved.

But sometimes it seems like a long 60 seconds holding something you think might go off:uhoh:
Had an old .303 round fire some 2 minutes after waiting 30 seconds before unloading.
Luckily I had jammed the round into the turf pointy end down so when it went off the cartridge case went straight up and left a small hole about a hand span in diameter. Never did find either part. Wonder why??
After 10 seconds I carefully jack it out,on the ground.
I might wait longer on shotgun ammo,since many here seem to think that's a good idea.
(I wear shooting glasses,without glasses I'd go ahead and give it a minute,eyesight is one of those things I can't do without)
I was always taught to keep the gun pointed downrange and eject the round after 30 seconds.

Over nearly 25 years of shooting, I've had my share of duds, but never an actual hangfire. But then I don't shoot any ammo that's been sitting in a humid South American storage depot for 60 years, either. I suspect hangfires are more common in old-as-dirt milsurp ammo and very, very rare in ammo less than a couple decades old that has been properly stored.

One observation---when shooting pistols and small- or intermediate-caliber rifles either in training or in IPSC/IDPA style shooting, a failure to fire on the range is commonly going to be met with an immediate tap-rack-bang or other failure drill rather than waiting for 30 seconds. But I suppose ejected hangfires aren't as big a deal with small calibers as they are with large calibers or shotgun shells, or in revolvers (a hangfire that occurred after the cylinder had rotated 180 degrees would wreck the gun and probably your hand).
i hand it off to my daughter and let her wait

after she asks me the second time if it is ok i will kindly take it back.
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