Close the Golden Gate Bridge to save lives.

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Dec 31, 2002
If it saves just one life...


The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today called upon the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors to "take an important step for public safety" and
close the Golden Gate Bridge, which has been a popular suicide platform for
more than 65 years.

"Several city supervisors want to ban handguns in San Francisco on the mere
presumption that such a law would prevent crimes, accidents and suicides,"
said SAF Founder Alan M. Gottlieb. "Well, it is an absolute certainty that
closing the bridge would prevent suicides, and perhaps many accidents, as
well. And just for the sake of argument, one seriously might question
whether any of the more than 1,300 fatal falls from the bridge since 1937
were cleverly-concealed homicides."

As gun rights groups and activists, including many gay gun owners, began
putting momentum to their efforts to defeat a gun ban initiative, Gottlieb
turned his attention to the bridge and its horrendous body count. USAToday
reported that suicides have tarnished the bridge's reputation. The
newspaper recounted how the San Francisco news media created a macabre
circus atmosphere in the 1970s and again the 1990s as the body count
approached 500 and then 1,000 victims, respectively.

"Social do-gooders have gone on the warpath repeatedly against firearms for
the most tenuous of reasons," Gottlieb stated. "The Golden Gate Bridge is a
proven killer, and media fascination with jumpers is sickening. It has
inspired hundreds of people to end their lives. Anyone can simply walk out
there and jump, or be pushed. There are no barriers, no waiting in line,
and there is nobody assigned to the bridge who can check the mental and
emotional history of bridge visitors. It's far easier to walk out on the
bridge and jump to your death than it is to purchase a firearm in
California. At least when a person buys a gun, he or she must complete a
background check and endure a waiting period. But nobody screens possible
Golden Gate jumpers. Unlike a gun, you can't even use the bridge to defend
yourself against a criminal.

"The only way to prevent future tragedies," Gottlieb said, "is to close the
bridge. We need to stop the growing body count. It's up to the Board of
Supervisors to act, and they should do it immediately. If it saves just one
life, closing the Golden Gate Bridge is the right thing to do."

The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation's oldest and largest tax-
exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on
the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess
firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 600,000
members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform
the public about the consequences of gun control. SAF has previously funded
successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New
Haven, CT; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit
against the cities suing gun makers & an amicus brief & fund for the
Emerson case holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
ha HA! maybe this would be the way to protest.

close it with marching gun owners. might be hard to slow the traffic without a bunch of people in cars who would risk being towed though.
"The only way to prevent future tragedies," Gottlieb said, "is to close the
bridge." This may sound cute to gun enthusiasts but it makes us look like fools and idiots to the general public.
Saw Gottlieb talk and read a couple of his little books. Pretty sharp guy and funny too. This is simple awesome, it is a shame they won't get a major media outlet to run it.
"The only way to prevent future tragedies," Gottlieb said, "is to close the bridge." This may sound cute to gun enthusiasts but it makes us look like fools and idiots to the general public.
I think so long as it is coupled with a debrief it is ok. "now. Wasn't that about the dumbest thing you ever heard? We agree. Its no more intelligent than banning guns, and here is why..."

The problem is that in this soundbyte society, the media tends to separate the 'teaser' from the message and just run the teaser.

"The only way to prevent future tragedies," Gottlieb said, "is to close the
bridge." This may sound cute to gun enthusiasts but it makes us look like fools and idiots to the general public.
I beg to differ. If someone is intelligent enough to read that article, then they are smart enough to understand the satire and make the reference that banning guns in SF would be like banning the bridge. If they aren't smart enough to understand that, then they are probably going to vote for the gun ban anyway or they probably won't even show up to vote at all.

This was a brilliant article. Brilliant. Awesome read. We need to get it on Foxnews.
That's a hollow call for action. The Golden Gate Bridge is under the jurisdiction of the Golden Gate Bridge District which encompasses not only SF but also the counties north of it (including home of the American Taliban, Marin County). Better yet, disband SFPD. They've been proven to kill people with gun violence. Dirty Harry and Steve McQueen will have to find jobs elsewhere. :p
This may sound cute to gun enthusiasts but it makes us look like fools and idiots to the general public.

I think the general public is bright enough to spot irony when it raises its smirking face. The general public didn't, for example, elect that Kerry creature last November.
To be honest, most folks I talk to have no knowledge of any pro-gun organiations other than the NRA. Many of them have a negative view of the NRA simply because of media attention.

I applaud such a stunt and would like to encourage more things like this. Not too much, but lets get some attention for our cause. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

They didn't even mention banning drugs. God knows how many people die because drugs aren't illegal...oh wait...
I enjoyed reading it too and also fear that it will have little effect on the masses . . . . and I am not sure the analogy would even ring true for the common man on the street.

The common man would argue that the bridge brings benefit to many and a cornerstone of the transportation network that feeds their economy. Banning use would just force those suicidal people to seek out other means to enter the next plain of existence.

The common man might also argue that guns do not necessarily benefit many and we are all safer without them . . . .

So it sounds good to us but won't change any minds.
The common man would argue that the bridge brings benefit to many and a cornerstone of the transportation network that feeds their economy. Banning use would just force those suicidal people to seek out other means to enter the next plain of existence.

The common man might also argue that guns do not necessarily benefit many and we are all safer without them...
And because of the dialog created by this article, you take the time to explain that guns are used for lawful purposes everyday. Quite frequently guns are used to save lives. This could be used as an opportunity to educate others. I find it disheartening that some people imply that this is pointless because the people won't listen. They will never be able to listen if we never try.
And then they can move on to banning bathtubs and swimming pools...proven killers of children.

Don't forget 5 gallon buckets.

I think many of the SF readers might think that closing the bridge is actually a good's for the children.

I find it disheartening that some people imply that this is pointless because the people won't listen.

Never said it was pointless, said it wouldn't ring true for the typical Joe.

Sure if you have the opportunity to explain, great.

But if not, a well crafted message that will not be dismissed out of hand has more impact.

My point here is to illustrate our miopia . . .
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