CNN commentator actually proposes repealing 2A!

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...just as soon as we update the 1st, so idiots have to raise their hand and get permission before saying stupid sss... stuff.
Thats what Bloomberg's money can do to invite all these commentators out of the woodwork and spew their agenda.
I have often said to big-government, anti-liberty acquaintances:

"If you really want the federal government to do something, and you're so convinced that the vast majority of Americans think it's a good idea, why not just go for the amendment? After all, once it's in as an amendment, it can't be challenged on Constitutional grounds, and given the overwhelming support you claim that it has, getting the amendment language through both houses of Congress (2/3) and then ratified by the States (3/4) ought to be easy and fairly quick."

Without exception, this argument causes the anti-liberty people to back down. Amending the Constitution to suit the anti-liberty agenda poses two problems for them: 1) They realize they'd never be able to do it, and 2) pushing for an amendment would be viewed as an acknowledgement that the entire Constitution (not just the parts they like) and the processes it established are actually valid, something they cannot stomach.
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CNN used to known as the Clinton News Network, now its simply known as "Contains No News". I remember growing up many years ago and hearing some myth about a free and open unbiased press...some drivel about not commenting on the news but only reporting on it...must have been from an alternative universe.

I saw this blurb

"Editor's note: Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is a political comedian and frequent commentator on various TV networks including CNN"

A political comedian ?

This sort of "over the top" BS may be their undoing.
These open, obvious attacks on Constitutional RIGHTS could be enough for the "fence sitters" and "middle of the roaders" to stand up and say maybe this is too much; seeing dangers to other Rights they may hold more dear if this goes through.
I'd rather some (low road) Political type just go ahead and propose a repeal of the 2A instead of them trying to circumvent it. But they never will because they know it'll never happen and it would be political suicide. It's what they want, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it, but they are terrified to come out and say it.
CNN, MSNBC, NBC (Comcast), ABC, CBS, PBS, and most newspapers are decidedly anti 2A. They try to sell their opinion as "news", and are purposely deceiving people, and many are buying it.
First, that is not suprising at all. They want to do away with guns.

Second, at least they are saying it and FINALLY figuring the proper way to address this issue. If you want to take away guns the way they are proposing, the anti's have to get rid of the 2nd amendment. Otherwise, they are violating peoples rights under the 2nd amendment. That is one thing that made me mad about this is that the pres and congress people were trying to get around the 2nd amendment and pass laws in violation of the 2nd amendment. This breaks their oath. If you want to change a constitutional right, it should be done through constitutional amendment, not these emotion based laws.

That being said, I hope this public attention because this is the true goal of what the anti's want and shows that what they are doing currently violates the 2nd.

I so dislike politics.
Yep, I agree. I say, if you want gun control, go for the throat and repeal/amend the 2A.

Stop pussyfooting around with infringement.
So youre saying politicians have 2 brain cells? Giving them a lot of credit arent you?:)
No, I'm saying some Americans still might have two functional brain cells. Those who do can see through the rhetoric and outright lies of the brainless.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man may be king, but in the land of the brainless, the idiots are still in control.
KMatch said:
...just as soon as we update the 1st, so idiots have to raise their hand and get permission before saying stupid sss... stuff.
What they don't seem to realize is that's exactly what's going to happen as soon as the Second Amendment is repealed.

But hey, if they really think over 90% of Americans support it, that'll be more than enough to get 3/4 majority. Of course, they can't even get 3/4 of America to agree on American Idol.
They would have put them up against the wall and shot them for Treason, 50yrs ago. We are approaching Tyranny if this type of attitude becomes accepted by these nitwits.
I thought I had seen or read everything.
This column actually makes mention of either repealing or revising the 2A to make "it a privilege, not a right".

Dark days ahead folks if the general popluce buys into this horse-putucky


My guess is that the reason it seems as if everything is being turned upside down is because the liberals are implementing Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals".
It is predicated on challenging the establishment and destroying traditions to the point of starting a revolution. This is just another example of them trying to create upheaval in our society.
I applaud him. He's not lying to us that this or that law will not infringe on the second amendment.

If he thinks he can real the second amendment I encourage him to go for it. Let them waist their resources on a battle they can never win.
the problem he would have is the 2nd amendment didn't create the right, it guarantees a pre existing right. and repealing the 2nd doesn't change my right.
You could theoretically claim many "inherent" rights that are not codified in the Constitution, but if they are absent from the law they are not guaranteed and therefore not protected. It's that simple.
Good on them. The more far to the left these guys get, the more of the American public will turn their back to them and stop listening to them. If anything we should be encouraging CNN/MSNBC/Etc. to not only have more of this, but to push for even more radical calls for gun and people control. Works for our advantage because the more extreme-left they get, the more of the general public will feel alienated by them.
Our forefathers couldn't have possibly considered the possibility of the internet or television when drafting the first amendment. I think there should be more control and limitations on what can be spread via electronic media...
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