CNN Poll On The AWB

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I voted, but unfortunately it's about 41K for and 29K against. But then again, it is CNN. Not my choice for news.
Well I believe he should take a Higher profile. Ideally, I would like to see him come out and unequivocally state that the Second is not only a Constitutionally enumerated right, but a natural right as well.
Should President Bush take a higher profile on his support for the ban on semiautomatic weapons?
Yes 60% 41042 votes
No 40% 27267 votes
Total: 68309 votes
Well, when I tried to vote a few moments ago it would NOT Accept My NO VOTE -- I tried several times and it seems I got lost in cyber space looking for a page that was not accessable each time :banghead: --

I had no trouble accessing their page showing 60%-40% results in favor of Bush takeing a higher profile on his support for the ban on semiautomatic weapons, though. :cuss:

Anybody smell something? :fire:

I mean, we all KNOW that CNN :barf: is the most TRUSTED name in news, right ? :rolleyes: THEY SAID SO! :scrutiny: :rolleyes:
SquirrelNuts- I am aware of that, but in my ideal world I would like him to take a high profile that is distinctly pro-gun...a man can dream.
Well take this FWIW. While channel surfing today I happened to stop at CNN. I know I know, but I saw assualt weapons and thought I tune in to see what the other side had to say.

Well I was shocked. Between the "on site" reporter and the one home office, they both more or less admitted they think the ban will sunset.

They're theory was that it would never make it to G.W.'s desk. They mentioned how close the vote was and that many of the Democrats that voted for the bill in 94 were not reelected their next term. They also mentioned that most Democrats don't seem to want to push this subject because it's not an issue they can win at this time.

Why couldn't the poll just be "for" or "against"? who cares how high his profile is? :barf:
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