Colbert Report & irritating anti-gun content...

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Oct 30, 2005
I generally enjoy(ed) the Colbert Report, even though he is a leftie masquerading as a hard-Right buffoon, because he usually does it well enough that even left-leaning political figures are afraid to come on his show for fear of him winning an argument with them.

The trouble arises whenever he does a piece related to guns...

Interviewing Mike Huckabee a couple months ago, Huck being a pro-gun figure who kissed Colbert's butt in order to get cheap publicity, Colbert starts "advocating" making it legal to buy guns in other states and ship them to New York City, etc. etc., basically parroting typical anti beliefs about guns and gun-related crimes. Irritating, but not too damaging.

Then a couple days ago he does a piece on Tennessee and the push to allow CHL holders to carry in bars. He finds a couple yahoos who say dumb things like rednecks, guns, and alcohol don't mix so the law is stupid, one guy shoots pool using a pump shotgun for a cue, you get the idea. He takes the dregs of society and makes them "gun experts", quoting their uninformed opinions as representative of gun owners and gun rights advocates, which sickens me. After this second piece I'm pretty well done with his show, clever as it occasionally is, because I can't stand to sit through another smirking rendition of "gun owners are backward, toothless morons who just want to shoot people".

There was a time when I felt he was somewhat respectable, perhaps even close to middle-of-the-road, as he gave both sides a hard time and made his fellow liberals nervous. Now I see his beliefs on this issue, and how arrogant and unreasonable he is about it, and conclude that he has lost another viewer who used to think he was funny. I had given up on his pal Jon Stewart years ago after he started taking himself seriously as a pundit and started pushing an agenda, now Colbert is doing the same thing. Like I said, it's irritating... Anyone else noticed this, either with these guys or another show where it was all fun and games until they did a piece on guns?

I stopped watching The Daily Show some years ago due to the seemingly anti-gun content/leftist/anti-funny content on it, so i never even gave The Colbert Report a chance.
Jon Stewart is not very funny anymore, so I stopped watching the Daily Show. All the more he gets is the uncomfortable silence/stupid smirk/feel sorry for me laughs.

Colbert is hilarious. That skit you are talking about made me roll my eyes, but it was still funny. Shooting pool with a shotgun? HAHAHA! Those kind of rednecks that say it would be cool to carry in a bar because "we could shoot stuff" are what's giving us a bad name. I agree with the bar owner though. Guns and alcohol don't mix.
why not write the network, as well as any companies airing advertising on the network that day, let them know you are posting their anti freedom views on as many forums as you can , and that you and everyone that shares your beliefs in freedom will make it cost them plenty to continue to report lies and fabrications of the truth, most likely wont make any difference to them, but you will feel better, and at least you did something besides raise the blood pressure.
if you just look at it as an attack on guns in bars and not guns and the gun community, then its a pretty good satire; it says "drunk rednecks with guns is a bad idea" if you look at it that way instead of how you seemingly looked at it. Either way, pretty biased in general, but it was funny.

Keep in mind that he still picks fights with everyone. A bit where we're portrayed as rednecks? Dont worry, he'll show a new skit making all liberals look like greasy stoners next week.
the proposed law allows you to carry a gun in a restaurant if you dont consume alchohol ,it helps you get to your car if its a bad neighborhood. if you are in a sports bar for a game you cant consume.
I enjoy the Colbert show but I don't agree with all his ideas. I did appreciate him giving publicity to Ron Paul and Huckabee.
The Tennessee carry law would not allow you to stay in a hotel
or motel if there was a restaurant or bar that served alcohol
under the same roof, even if you didn't even go in the restaurant
or bar. Going to a restuarant and having dinner without drinking
yourself even though the restaurant does serve beer or wine,
while carrying arms as insurance against carjacking on the way
there or on the way home, is not the same scenario as going
to the Hog Wild Saloon, drinking and shooting pool with a shotgun.
Leave it to antis to report out of context exaggerations.
It's satire and Colbert includes it in his many skits, and other forms of his show. His book is full of satire, and makes fun of a lot of different people. It's just the way his comedy works.
I still watch the Daily Show as sometimes he really does have some good stuff on there. He had a great segment done by one of the Daily Show correspondents (Ron Riggle - Marine it turns out) on the idiots in Berkley protesting the Marine recruitment there. The best part of that was when he interviewed a man who was born at least sometime before or during WWII that said "during my lifetime there have been no good uses for the Marines." That was almost trumped when he interviewed a girl protesting who said that if there weren't guns people wouldn't kill each other and Riggle responded "so if we took away cops there wouldn't be any crime?"
Yeah Colbert does that stuff sometimes, but I feel like he is sort of right-leaning Democrat based on some things he has said on other talk shows (out of character).

Overall I think he is pretty fair, although there is the occasional irritating piece (such as one a few months ago where he implied a merger between the US, Canada and Mexico would not be a bad thing).

Daily Show is still OK as they are brutal with the 24 hr news networks, and with much 'pop culture' crap as well.
Thanks to all who pointed out that it is satire. I understand now and cannot stop laughing.

Ok, seriously, I get it. I have the guy's book, and I liked it too. I'm just saying the anti-gun satire (better?) is becoming more common and is really irritating.

I actually saw the Ron Riggle piece from TDS and particularly liked when he said to the protester who was going on and on about freedom of speech "you're right! Now if only there was a group sworn to protect that right... Wouldn't that be great?" and she totally didn't get it. That and his ending the piece with "Semper Fi" pleasantly surprised me.

I actually thought it was funny. Considering it was obvious parody, after all. Not only that, but in pointing out the dregs of society, I think it should garner a fair deal of thought on our side. I mean these "quote-quote" experts will sometimes try and represent us. We need to, contrary to this stereotype, stand up for what real gun owners and 2A advocates are: responsible.

Again though, I thought it was funny. I didn't think it was that anti-gun.
There's a reason why his show's on Comedy Central, and not some other channel like... say... CNN.
Some may disagree with me, and that is fine. However, I do what to share my opinion.

I've been a Daily Show/Cobert Nation fan for a long time. I never missed an episode. I like that they seemed to take shots equally at both parties and therefore looked past idiocy in both parties.

Then something changed. That change was the November 2007 elections. It was a subtle change, but it was there. I noticed that the slant of the shows took a more and more Pro-dem/pro-liberal slant and more of an anti-republican/anti-convervative slant.

It really disheartened me-- not because they were picking on my party/ideals. I can handle that. It disappointed me that they seemed to fall into the typical hollywood/media mentality. The gave up the one thing that made them unique.

If you've ever taken a look at the guest list of The Daily Show, you'll see that "Movers and Shakers" DO realise the impact of those two shows on the political climate. If you want to reach mainstream America, you don't go on Larry King. Your audience that you want to buy your book or vote for you isn't watching that.

In my opinion, both Stewart and Cobert has chosen to use their influence in the service of their political agendas and those of who they support.

I can't even bear to turn either on anymore. At least there is still South Park....

-- John
I quit watching the Jon Stewart show when I saw him, as a grown man, cry on national TV after 9/11, then saw him saying how Bush was "exaggerating the threat of terrorism" a few years later.
I agree with the bar owner though. Guns and alcohol don't mix.

Being able to CCW in places that serve alcohol does not mean it's OK to become intoxicated while carrying. Bars have never been off limits to CCW in CO, but the rules about intoxication are the same with guns as they are cars. Over .05%, you're in trouble.

Yeah, I'm perfectly comfortable with a beer over dinner while carrying, because one drink with a meal does not impair my abilities. If I know I'm gonna drink more, I leave my weapon behind.

To imply that CCWer with access to alcohol will result in people becoming beligerent and armed drunks is no different than the anti argument that giving the same group of law abiding people access to guns will cause more gun related deaths.
I take nothing on TV seriously anymore--not even the news. The TV is there for entertainment. If you enjoy what you watch, then continue to do so. If you don't enjoy what you watch, then change the channel.

Sorry, but not every TV shows, serious or otherwise, will always take the logical side. Then again, they're not obligated to, either.

Just don't watch the show if you don't like it.
In my opinion, both Stewart and Cobert has chosen to use their influence in the service of their political agendas and those of who they support.

I can't even bear to turn either on anymore.

That's exactly how I feel. If I watch then that supports their agenda. They are both admitted and vocal far left wing supporters just like the rest of Hollywood.

"I quit watching the Jon Stewart show when I saw him, as a grown man, cry on national TV after 9/11, then saw him saying how Bush was 'exaggerating the threat of terrorism' a few years later."

I'm not sure I follow... Could you explain further?
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