Colt 1911 slide/frame dimensions .45 vs. .38 super

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Dec 24, 2002
Does anyone know if the slide & frame for a Colt 1911 in .38 super have the same specs as the slide & frame for a Colt 1911 in .45 or whether the specs are different?

Put differently, can you take a .38 super Colt 1911 and convert it to a .45 or vice-versa.

I think I've read before that a switch from .45 to 9mm in a 1911 platform only requires a change of barrel, spring and ejector. Would the same hold true for .38 super? Or are the frames just different and preclude an easy switch?

Any input appreciated. Thanks.
You have read the wrong information somewhere. A factory built 38 Super/9mm with have a different feed ramp. You will need a new top end and a new extended ejector to make the change and I do not advise it because it would make more sense to buy a new 1911 in 38 Super. After market parts swapping is not cost effective in most cases. A new 38/9mm top end with all of the parts costs big bucks if you do it right, and why would you want to do it wrong with used or cheap parts? You also will need new magazines for the 38 Super. I have built a few 38 Super race guns and carry guns. They require more tweaking and fine tuning than a forgiving 45 ACP. They are wonderful, flat shooting, low recoil semi autos in the 1911 configuration, but many manufactures build new ones like SA for a very reasonable price. I can convert a Star 9mm to 38 Super for about $150.00 that will work just fine. I carry mine sometimes and do not feel handicapped at all.
think I've read before that a switch from .45 to 9mm in a 1911 platform only requires a change of barrel, spring and ejector.
At the very least, a new slide asssembly (with all the internals, including barrel, bushing, extractor, firing pin, etc.) would be necessary since the breechface is different between .38 Super and .45 ACP. A different ejector is also necessary on a five-inch pistol when switching from .38 Super to .45 ACP. Swapping ejectors is not something one should be doing at the range. As mentioned, magazines are different as well.

The feedramps, as Mr. Sample mentioned, are different between .38 Super and .45 ACP. I have heard that some people have managed to make the one feedramp work for the other caliber, but I would not try it. For the money needed to be invested in a new top end, might as well buy a new frame.

I do have convertible pistols, but only with cartridges with common breechfaces, like 9x19 and 9x23 Winchester or .40 S&W and 10mm Auto. With these conversions, only a barrel, a bushing, recoil spring, and magazines are necessary.
One conversion that I really like is the 400 Cor-Bon in a 45 ACP. All you need to get a .40/10mm bullet going real fast is a barrel change and possibly a different recoil spring. You can also buy double carbide dies for this round from Dillon and load your own with ease. You start with an empty 45 ACP case and a 400 Cor-Bon comes out the other end. Very somple, very easy change over. I like bottle neck cartridges a lot. Easy to stick a small bullet in a big hole. No porn intended.........................................
I managed to make my Colt Delta Elite 10mm into a switch top gun by putting in a 45 ejector and building a complete 45 ACP upper. It worked pretty well, but it is once again a dedicated 10mm since I snagged a very nice and very slightly used Kimber Gold Match (first series). I think it is easier to make a 38 super/10mm frame work with 45 than it is to make a 45 frame work with 38 super or 10mm.
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