Columbine Father Challenges Cheney at NRA Convention

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I'm glad most of us here have taken what I think is the only decent approach: contend with Tom Mauser's ideas, not with Mauser himself.
My problem with this jerk has very little to do with his politics, I belive people have a right to their opinion. My problem is with the man personally. And my animosity was developed through personal contact with this self righteous pinhead.
Mr. Mauser, I will offer this piece of advice:

Buck up. Life sucks, get a helmet. Get over it and don't strip away my rights because you took a big bite out of a crap sandwich.

What a tool.

That name sounds familiar somehow
Mauser said the NRA "is an organization with a Field and Stream magazine membership, but a Soldier of Fortune magazine leadership."
I can only pray!
Not much sympathy here for Mr. Mauser. Sarah Brady's husband was also tragically shot, but her grief has been twisted and perverted into the desire to disarm others. Mr. Mauser, it seems, has followed her lead.

What is the useful purpose to these weapons?

Awful close to the whole "sporting purpose" mess. If they only restrict people to hunting weapons...what happens when they ban hunting?


Many of the weapons used in Columbine weren't technically "assault weapons." The TEC-9 was (banned by name, I believe), but the sawed off shotguns were obviously not part of the 1994 ban (although the deranged killers violated the NFA pretty heavily). The Hi-Point is not considered an "assault weapon;" I could be wrong, but it only has one evil feature (pistol grip). NONE of these weapons are "military-style" weapons, and of course, none are relatively expensive weapons like AR-15s or FALs.

This is all ridiculous, of course, because killers like Charles Whitman proved a simple bolt-action rifle can be far deadlier than any of the "assault weapons" or .50 BMG rifles the gun banners want to restrict.
But were the people who provided the weapons used at Columbine prosecuted? For anything? Even the straw-purchases? Let alone conspiracy, felony murder, accomplice to murder, or any other crimes they committed?

Yes and no.

Mark Manes, who sold the TEC-9 reccieved a 6 year sentance.
Crimes - possesion of a sawed off shotgun (he's shown firing it in a video) and selling a handgun to a minor.

Philip Duran, who introduced the 2 killers to Manes, recieved a 4 1/2 year sentance. He was charged with the same crimes as Manes.

Robyn Anderson, the "girfriend", was charged with no crimes, since she committed none. It was 100% legal for her to buy the 2 shotguns and the Hi-Point , then give them to the minors.
Tom Mauser, whose son Daniel was killed with an assault weapon in the Littleton, Colo., killings five years ago Tuesday, said continuing the ban is common sense.

strange. If i remember correctly not a single weapon used at Columbine meets the legal (as stated by the 94 AWB) definition of an "assault weapon". Nor do any of them meet the military definition (select, fire, intermediate cartridge etc). I am really left to wonder what this guy's motives are.
One of the local channels 'rolled tape' of Mauser's protest last night. REALLY tight shot of Mauser and the protesters, so it was impossible to tell how many there were.

Of course, the usual reason for the tight shot is that there are only about 1 or 2 dozen protesters--and it looks like a lot more if the shot is close.

Anyone at the convention who can tell us how many people were out there?
strange. If i remember correctly not a single weapon used at Columbine meets the legal (as stated by the 94 AWB) definition of an "assault weapon". Nor do any of them meet the military definition (select, fire, intermediate cartridge etc).

Harris and Klebold used a TEC-9, specifically included in the ban. If it was already in the civilian amrket before the ban, then technically it would not have qualified as an AW under the language of the Clinton gun ban.
200th post

Tom Mauser, whose son Daniel was killed with an assault weapon in the Littleton, Colo., killings five years ago Tuesday, said continuing the ban is common sense.

There were four firearms used by the killers at Columbine: two shotguns, a Tec-DC9 (which is legally an "assault weapon"), and a Hi Point 9mm carbine, which is not an assault weapon, as defined by the authors of the 1994 federal assault weapon ban.

I posted this before at on 1/27/2002:

Daniel Mauser was one of the 13 innocent people killed at Columbine High School (Littleton, Colorado) in 1999. After the shooting, Daniel's father, Tom Mauser, became a gun control lobbyist, working for a group called SAFE.

While a lot of stupid rhetorical attacks have been made against Mr. Mauser by gun rights activists, one item was never addressed:

Did Tom Mauser lie about his son's death to advance a political agenda against "assault weapons."

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, controversy surrounded assault weaons, since a Tec-DC9 was used in the shooting. The "assault weapon" issue died down in a few weeks, when gun control advocates focused on gun show issue instead.

Speaking at a rally outside of the National Rifle Association convention in Denver, Colorado, on May 1, 1999, Tom Mauser referred to the Tec-9:

Mauser told protestors that there are reasonable guns.

"But the time has come to understand that a TEC-9 semiautomatic like the kind that was used to kill my son is not used to kill deer," he said.

SOURCE: "8,000 rally against gun violence" Denver Rocky Mountain News. May 2, 1999. (Bold added).

A year later, when Mr. Mauser was lobbying for a state referendum to impose background checks on all sales at gunshows (the so-called "gun show loophole"), a forum about Amendment 22 (the referendum) sponsored by several gun control groups was held in Boulder, Colorado, on the University of Colorado's campus.

David Winkler, a freshman at CU and the co-founder of SAFE Students, spoke about his growing frustrations with gun control. He said that he and a few friends tested the gun-show loophole in June 1999.

"We were able to buy a Tek [sic] nine, 32-round semiautomatic assault pistol," Winkler said. "Be bought it in a half hour. There was no background check, no ID check. The guy didn't even ask how old we were...and it was obvious we were teenagers."

Winkler said that the gun was the same type of weapon that killed Tom Mauser's son Daniel at Columbine High School.

SOURCE: "Guns topic of annual forum." Colorado Daily (Boulder, Colorado). October 3, 2000. pp. 1 -2 (Quote is from page 2. Bold added).

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office official report states that Dylan Klebold was carrying the Tec-DC9 and a shotgun, while Eric Harris used the Hi-Point carbine and a shotgun [ ].

The report also states that Daniel Mauser was shot by Eric Harris between 11:29 - 11:39 am, in the library [ ]. Since Klebold, not Harris, was using the Tec-DC9, Mauser must have been shot by Harris' Hi-Point carbine.

Ergo, Tom Mauser has been lying, or the official report is wrong.

It's not as though the media was unwilling to be skeptical of claims made by some families involved. The story about Cassie Bernall being a "Christian martyr" were debunked, and the antics of the Shoals' were well covered. *

But the press seemed to have nothing but fawning adoration for the other parent who -- in addition to the Bernalls and the Shoals -- used the death of his child to seek publicity and push and agenda.

Tom Mauser also wrote a letter to Charleton Heston on May 11, 1999, stating that

My son was shot by a Tec DC9, a 9 mm, semi-automatic gun with a 30-bullet clip. What practical purpose is there to this gun? I have never known a hunter to use this type of weapon to shoot a deer. Have you?

Since then, I have seen no evidence that suggests that Tom Mauser's claim is correct, and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office report is wrong, in this regard.
>>One of the local channels 'rolled tape' of Mauser's protest last night. REALLY tight shot of Mauser and the protesters, so it was impossible to tell how many there were.<<

Yesterday I was taking a break from the NRA show and had gone about a block away to have a sandwich. As I sat next to the window, I saw Tom Mauser carrying a sign, leading a "march." He was preceeded by two TV cameras. I told the two gun company guys I was with that I was going to count the number of people in the march.

Counting Mauser, and not counting the TV cameras, it was exactly one dozen.

50,000 to 60,000 people at the NRA annual meetings, and 12 people get the TV time.

Here's my rhetorical question for the day:

How come whenever one of us asserts that Sarah Brady expels flatulence in a sideways fashion, the antis demand total documentation and receive it, but whenever one of them makes a claim like "40 children dead from assault machine copkiller weapons each day" and people just accept it as gospel truth with nary a whisper otherwise?
so using MMM math,
there were 12,000 people maching with ole Tom?

was that the entire PA Confluence Against Gun Violence squad?

we really need a counting crew in DC for the motherday MMM event
People like this guy make my head hurt. I feel bad that his son got shot, but if you ask me he is making it allot harder on himself by going on this personal crusade to get rid of all guns.
We all mourn the loss of a child at the hands of criminals. However, that loss does not give Tom Mauser a lifetime free-pass to insult, demean, villianize and to make every attempt to take away the rights of law biding citizens.

Everybody's been treating this guy with kit gloves out of respect for his loss, and we've been doing it for 5 years! Well, it's time to say Free-pass is up pal. Time for the gloves to come off!!!
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office official report states that Dylan Klebold was carrying the Tec-DC9 and a shotgun, while Eric Harris used the Hi-Point carbine and a shotgun

The report also states that Daniel Mauser was shot by Eric Harris between 11:29 - 11:39 am, in the library. Since Klebold, not Harris, was using the Tec-DC9, Mauser must have been shot by Harris' Hi-Point carbine.
And not to mention that 6 of the 13 died from shotgun wounds. I guess you don't worry about things like that though when you are trying to spread socialist ideas. You just pick the most evil looking gun of them all and say that was the one. Also, to effectively shift blame, you must either complete forget about the psychopaths behind the trigger or play them down as being just misguided youths that were really pawns of the evil video game companies.
People who behave as if their loss was the single, only, most important loss in the world eventually get entirely alienated from reality. Letting go is a normal part of the grieving process.
I feel terrible for anyone that has had to bury a child.

What I can't go along with is selling the memory of that childs death to handgun control.

I responded (by email)to an editorial he wrote ...without realizing who he was....pretty well reasoned personal attacks....just some facts.

I was simply adressing his misstatements about liability for gun companies....the "no other industry has these protections" garbage.

( Notice how fast food and Beer companies are now seeking the same protections???)

Eventually got an email back from him whining about "attacks" on him.

I told him that he might want to tone down his retoric if he didn't want some people to "fire back".
While I sympathize with his psychological illness, which is exactly what it is, I do believe he should be castigated loud and publicly.

A hot rod car ran over my son, therefore NASCAR has to answer.

A black, crack-addicted thug killed my son, therefore the NAACP has to answer.

A felon with a gun killed my son, therefore the NRA has to answer...

He's a frothing bigot, plain and simple, and I think the best way to annoy him is suggest he change his name from Mauser to "Intratec."

Frankly, we'd be better off if he did freak out and get institutionalized.

Does he have a website? I see people saying they've corresponded with him.
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