Today is a victory for us

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Today is victory for our side.

Now that you are done laughing, read. We now have had a gun control debate/vote in the Senate, something we have not had for quite some time. Going into November, we know who our friends and enemies are. We've got our marching orders. Vote out those who voted for the anti amendments.

Furthermore, there are still two bills, S.659 and S. 1806, which are in the Senate committees that read the same as S. 1805. It will not happen soon, but I would not be surprised at all to see one or the other rammed through after the elections. I believe Frist and the Rep leadership sacrificed 1805 on purpose so they could get anti votes on record. The majority of gun owners have the unfortunate habit of only voting when they are angry. Politicians know that gunowners probably won't win you an election, but they can sure lose one for you. Just ask Tom Foley. Judging by the horrible connections to's audio and video feeds, the traffic around the gun boards, and the 6 NRA email updates that went out in the past few days, I'd say we followed this issue closely, and we've got reason to be upset. I believe Frist and Co. wanted to stir up the hornet's nest that is the gunowner voting block and turn it against the antis in November. Once the antis lose a few seats and they can persuade a swing voter or two so the bill is fillibuster proof, they will ram one of them through. I believe we will still see immunity this year along with the sunset of the ban.
Well, we could steal the GOP (Grand Old Party) and turn it into the GOP (Gun Owners Party).

It's what happened twenty-thirty years ago (+/-) when the liberals raided the Dem convention, voted in their own folks, set their own plank, and took over the elections ever since.

Or we could start another party (there are a dozen or so in formal existance now, but we don't hear much from them - search Google for "political parties").

Else we could join either major party and work from the inside.

Else we can do nothing... but (female canine).



Wait, wait, wait, wait!

S 659 is still on the docket? That can still go through? What? I'm lost, seriously. I thought 1805 WAS 659 basically and that if 1805 died the whole issue was dead until next session?

Help me out here... I'm still new to the legal process.
I'm trying to be an idealist and hope you are correct

These politicians are wreaking havok with my blood pressure.
I asked it before, i will ask it again.

Fienstien's pet project is the AWB, she will do ANYTHING to get it passed. If this was her only chance to get it passed, she would have done it.

I don't understand why they, with 52 votes, didn't pass this legislation, and force the AWB down our throats.

I am very thankfull, and relieved, but I am very cautious now, because I think they have something up their sleeves.

I know that they hated S.1805, but it would have been worth it to them to get the AWB through.

Why didn't they?

Victory for us.....

Not yet.

Something is up.

OK. Thanks everyone. I think I got it.

Don't be surprised if I ask questions the next time something like this happens. ;)

Even Schumer has stated publicly that attaching the AWB to 1805 was their last best chance for the year. I'm very confident we're going to be all having range days on Sept 13th. Heck, I want to talk to my local shop to see if they would be willing to do a midnight madness type sale.:D
They didn't have 52 willing to vote for the legislation. Clearly a certain number of Democrats would have balked at passing S 1805 even with the AWB amendment in place.

They got to 52 votes by combining all the Democrats and RINOS who wanted to see the AWB re-upped with all the Democrats and RINOS who wanted to see 1805 defeated and were willing to attach the AWB to do it. However, actually passing the bill would NOT have defeated S 1805. See how it works?

I have heard that too, but if it really was their last, best chance to attach it, I believe that they would have voted for the final bill, and forced it on us.

It just doesn't make sense that Feinstein would give up this opportunity.

Maybe they are going to go after our ammo now?

I don't know, but I am bracing.

Two comments from this thread. First, Kerry will never select Hillary. For the simple fact that he knows like everyone else, when you get in the way of the Clinton's, you die in a plane crash, committ suicide, or simply disappeer.

Next comment. What if Dubya got re-elected. What are the odds we could convince him to be a president of simple principle? He knows he won't get re-elected, so what if he just did what was right? I know, dream on, but I will keep dreaming.
You run in the party that is closest to your beliefs and try to change the party from the inside.
Ok. I will run in the Libertarian Party, because they are the closest to my beliefs. I will then try to convince them that a little preventative medicine in foreign matters and open borders arent the correct paths.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.;) :p
"Gee, it's that attitude that keeps 3d parties from ever getting anywhere."

Right now every vote counts. Bush will sign into law the assault weapons ban no doubt if it ever lands on his desk. But do you really believe he thinks that will happen? Absolutely not. The redistricting in Texas alone will probably take a greater percentage of House seats. The Republican party stance seems to be one of anti-assault weapons ban, no matter what Bush says. Throwing a vote away on principle is a lot like going down with the ship to prove a point when their are life rafts available. Eventually a third party will come in to the picture. Historically what will probably happen is one of the major parties we have now will split. That time is not now however so make your voice heard. Vote pro gun...forget party line BS. Get the facts on each of your candidate choices. Right now in Texas....looks like the only choice is Republican.
In Texas, it may be a safe bet to vote republican, but in Yankee territory, many republicans are little better than the Democrats and only by the virtue of promising to steal less. Sounds like those afflicted with RINOs should put their votes to better use by showing strong support for a pro-2A 3rd party movement.
I have no doubt Michigan will go to Kerry.

Both Senators in Michigan are dems (antis too).

My Representative is dem (anti too).

I do not see any of these offices being held by Republicans any time soon, so voting Libertarian is not throwing away my vote at all; it's free and clear. But even if it wasn't, I'd still vote Libertarian. :p
We're so desperate for the crumbs of liberty tossed to us by the Rupublicans, we've missed our god given rights to something better. We deserve better than this compromising, political posturing, worthless BS. I'm going libertarian, hell, in Kali my vote doesn't count anyway.
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