'Common Sense' Gun Control & a professional counterargument to this reasoning pitfall

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I have shared with those who wish it so... No such thing as "Common Sense" in this regard.

Common Sense not to murder. Been on the books as a law for a little while now. Most people don't or won't do that anyway in our present culture. Yet, it does happen to this day.

Is it common sense to, and would you, deny someone a right to defend their life from those who will not obey any "common sense" law you write?

The US has always been awash of hostiles, weapons and those who question authority.

I kind of like that leveling of the playing field.

But, I do know, that is not a "common sensical" POV for about 33%-50% of the populace who fear both those with weapons and authority who claim same thru the use of... weapons used in force.

So it is, IMO, no common sense for this subject.

Check and Mate. YMMV
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