Comparing Apples to Grapefruit. (Plains Pistol, heavy loads/.50" and .54")

Ugly Sauce

Oct 26, 2020
I got to .50" barrel shoots a 240 grain bullet, (Hornady "PA" conical) and in the .54" I shoot round ball, about 220 grains. Both over 70 grains of Pixie dust. The question is, which hits Grizz between the eyes the hardest?? Different projectiles, different diameter, but I'm thinking velocity must be about the same. And the differences are not that great. .50 vs. .54", and 220 grains vs. 240. But apples and grapefruits for sure. Crab apples and Red Delicious?
This big old solid, wet chunk of wood, been outside in the snow all winter, I shot clean through with a .54 ball. I did not recover the ball. so today, I shot it with the .50" barrel and 240 grain slug. It not only went through, but split the darn thing about in half. The block may have been weak from the .54" ball, but man the .50 slug did some damage. ! It's no pop-gun.
So I shot it again, and that was the end of it for a test block. But I did recover the bullet. One from the before mentioned block, and one from another. Yep that's the Hawg-Horn, and I made a 70 grain measure for the pistol, and realized that instead of making a 140 grain bucket size measure for my Bess, 140 grains, I can just use the 70 grain one and give Bess a double-shot. When I carry the Plains Pistol and Bess together, one size fits all!
For a repeatable test, I shot this block on the right, with it up against one of the 4X4 posts that hold up my shooting bench. The block is not as big as the last one, that is now firewood, but it's a good solid hunk of old seasoned wood. The post is also something hard solid and tough. As you can see, the 240 grain slug over 70 grains went through the block, and about an inch into the post. So I will be able to load up the .54" barrel, and see how far it goes.

Any predictions? Will the greater weight, greater sectional density, and smaller frontal area of the .50" slug penetrate further than the .54" ball? When I shot the block in the first picture with a .54" ball, it sailed through it like it was a block of butter. Warm butter.

I did discover that those PA conical bullets do not load easily. I knew that before, but getting the third shot loaded was very difficult. The second was not "too bad". (and not too good) However, it can be carried loaded with the slug, (if you remove the lube, it will not migrate down the barrel) and subsequent shots can be ball in paper cartridges. If time permits, the barrel can be wiped and then loaded. But that is another story, and if I ever need to fire it in anger, there most likely won't be time for any reloading. One shot, and I better make it good.

The Plains Pistol, aka The Baby Beast, says: "Thanks for listening". I'll do the .54" test as soon as possible, which may not be real soon.!!! But "pretty soon". Make your predictions soon!
I’m betting on the fifty if velocity is nearly equal. For softer skinned targets the .54 would have the edge. Maybe load that barrel as well and stow it in the possible bag? 😎
Logic kind of dictates that the .50" slug should penetrate further. We'll see, although comparing blocks of wood to the skull of Grizz is like....well you know. Horse turds to dog poo. But a little less penetration is not a deal breaker, considering there should be a little more "smack down" or "whomp" to the .54. The .54" ball sure didn't have any trouble zipping through that big block. Again, we shall see. Regardless, I plan to carry the .54" tube most of the time, and the .50" with the TC if I have the .50" barrel on it.

Ha ha, taking the extra barrel with me. !!!! With all the junk I carry, that could break the camel's back! I think I already carry an entire bush-crafting and survival store with me. Dang.
Logic kind of dictates that the .50" slug should penetrate further. We'll see, although comparing blocks of wood to the skull of Grizz is like....well you know. Horse turds to dog poo. But a little less penetration is not a deal breaker, considering there should be a little more "smack down" or "whomp" to the .54. The .54" ball sure didn't have any trouble zipping through that big block. Again, we shall see. Regardless, I plan to carry the .54" tube most of the time, and the .50" with the TC if I have the .50" barrel on it.

Ha ha, taking the extra barrel with me. !!!! With all the junk I carry, that could break the camel's back! I think I already carry an entire bush-crafting and survival store with me. Dang.
Maybe find a dimwitted acquaintance to carry stuff into the woods, or a goat or even a mule. Watch the mules though, they’re a lot smarter than most of the people who own them.
I've heard that goats work pretty good for back-packing. No, I've had plenty of horses, so I'll pass on the mules. I heard some people talking about how dumb horses are, around a camp fire one time, some rich guy bragging about his horses and everything else, and complaining that they were hard to train because they were dumb, and the people around him kind of worshiping him and agreeing with everything he says, so I piped up and stated that horses are only as dumb as the people training them. I got real unpopular real fast. It was like: "how dare you!!!"
Odd that you mention that. I grew up around hayburners learned you have train em on both sides like going thru a narrow gate and other things. I got busted up pretty good a few times so I want nothing to do with them. The fellow that thinks a horse or mule is dumb never had one watch him close and deliberately stand on his foot when saddling one or adjusting rigging.
One Of my Uncles and his kids all love mules, not so much for cow work but they pack dudes all spring, summer and fall. Most of their best pack animals and some of their riding stock are mules. The good ones are very good. One of the local guys uses goats for all of his camping and hunting. He’s an attorney and budgets a bunch of time for hiking and camping in the Flattops. Usually has two or three goats along with him packing a luxury camp.
I dunno. I have never not gotten an exit wound on deer with a .54. I have with a .50 but then I've killed a lot more deer with a .50
Comparing round gall to round ball, yes the .54" will penetrate further. More mass. But since the .50" slug outweighs the .54" ball, and has more sectional density, (does a sphere even have any?) that's why I think it should out-penetrate. We'll see, I'll do that soon.

I will note that one can't really compare wet seasoned wood to Grizz skull, but I do think the amount of wood both the .50" slug and the .54" ball are going through, convince me that either one will do the job. I mean, if we were talking a couple or three 2X4"s or so, it might be debatable, but those big blocks, the Plains Pistol is putting out some serious skull crushing power.
78 years old and still fooling around with both of them… not buying anymore new ones though. Or green bananas.

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Wow, big open country to ride in. Nice. My best motorcycle is 87 years old. Ha ha it was ten years old when you was born! :) Your bike looks much younger. My newest one is a 1992. Nice looking stout hoss there.