Condition Yellow & The Kiddos

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Oct 2, 2003
I just returned with the family on vacation. No really big S&T incidents, save one on the way home passing through East Texas(1).

Wife, kids (2.5YO son & 16MO daughter), & I(2) are leaving McDonalds for the jfruser-mobile. When I had parked, there were no vehicles in adjacent spaces, as is my preference, due to the chore of getting kids in car seats.

As we near the vehicle, I see that our vehicle is framed by two others and that there is a group talking beside the right-hand vehicle. The group consisted of a mid-late 30s black woman (BW1), a late30s/early 40s white woman (WW1), a mid 20s white man (WM1), and a mid 20s black woman (BW2) in a McD uniform. There were several children about, ranging form infancy to 4-5 YO. They were a mixture of black & mulatto.

I get my daughter secured on the driver's side. I am quicker than my wife, due to size & strength. As I finished, I hear the conversation PICK UP IN VOLUME, quite a bit(3). I walk to the rear of the vehicle to keep an eye on the group and notice the loudest speaker to be BW1. My wife is having problems getting our son strapped in, as can happen on occasion(4). I keep an eye on the group, looking for signs of any brewing foolishness. The conversation seems to concern liquor & local politics, but I am less interested in the words than the tones and facial expressions.

BW1 is causing most of the ruckus, which is directed at WW1. BW2 and WM1 are following the argument while the kids look like they'd rather be running through the McD play area.

Unexpectedly, WM1 tears his concentration from the BW1/WW1 conversation and asks me, "You gotta problem?" The conversation stops and all attention (save the kids') is on me.

I quash my initial instinct to respond with a wisecrack and decide the truth is likely the most likely to keep their group focused on each other & not my family. "Just waiting for my wife to put the kid in the car seat," I respond with a grin on my face.

They go back to their loud debate and my wife finishes strapping in our son. We then leave the McD's for points West.

Notes, Assumptions, Etc.

When out & about with my family I am more observant of my surroundings than when by myself. I know that if trouble comes to us, we can not run from it and must deal with it in place. That being the case, I want some early warning. So, I am at the proverbial Condition Yellow when in public with family. I can only do so for a limited time, though keeping tabs on toddlers is good practice.

When the above occurred, I was getting tired & got lazy. If I were less whipped, I would have been less obvious in my observation.

(1) East Texas has a reputation similar to that of North Georgia with regard to race relations: not so good. The current reality may be different, but the reputation remains.

(2) I am armed with a classic combo: Full-sized 1911 IWB & snubby in pocket, for those who care about the hardware aspect.

(3) IME, I have found those who converse loudly in public (with no need for increased volume) to be much more likely to initiate some sort of violence & foolishness.

(4) I can not really help her, as the door opening is too small for the both of us.
Good situational awareness and anticipation. Good, soothing response to the verbal challenge. Well done!
From your description, it sounds like you were too obvious in your visual observation. I'm guessing that WM1 was dating/married to one of the BWs, and figured you were casting disapproving glances at their interracial relationship.

Still, you handled the confrontation well.
As long as they're in their seats, you can drive away a short distance (inside the same lot? Just in the next lot over?) and stop there to buckle them in. Just don't crash in-between :)

I suspect you are right on both counts. From my observation, I would say that WM1 & BW2 were the item.
As long as they're in their seats, you can drive away a short distance (inside the same lot? Just in the next lot over?) and stop there to buckle them in. Just don't crash in-between

Where I hail from you are advocating the commission of serious criminal offense. :rolleyes:
you handled better then I would

having been asked the "you gotta problem" one to many times
my auto reply is "yes, but the meds seem to be working"
"why, are you writing a book about me?"

But, I don't have kids and save the smart replies for when I know I can protect myself.
I've been in a couple uncomfortable situations like this over the years.

Main thing is to get everyone into the car safely and quickly.

I would recommend (with you kids ages) for your wife to get in the back of the van/back seat with them and you drive three or four parking spaces down, while she buckles them in. She can always get back in front later. I have always been big on teaching kids to buckle and unbuckle themselves in as soon as they are old enough. You never know what sort of "emergency" may go down.

Just my two cents.
I don't want to turn into a mall ninja or pull out the aluminum foil here but.... I have a mini-human and have noticed when putting her in the car seat my back is to the world and could pose a risk. I try to be pretty aware of the situation--while getting the kid strapped in. I am not so much afraid myself I am a big guy and luckily that keeps me out of trouble most of the time. But with women it's a little more scary.

When couples are arguing unless someone is abused don't make eye contact and leave it be they'll both turn on you like rabid wolverines.

Yep, when strapping in the kids, you are pretty much unable to observe or react until you are done. Usually, my last action before strapping in one of my kids is a quick look around. Not perfect, but I can't afford a bodyguard to watch my back and our society has nearly equated not strapping kids in with beating them to a pulp. Both will get you unwanted attention from the gooberment.
I have a 7 yr old and a 10 month old.

I would have(and have) gotten into the car with the baby on my lap, and told my son to get buckled while we were driving. I'd rather move to the next lot, or the other side of the building than be anywhere near trouble when(if) it happens.

Serious criminal offense or not, my children's safety comes first.
having been asked the "you gotta problem" one to many times
my auto reply is
my stock answer is "no, but I can find you one if you need it".
I think considering the circumstances you did very well.

As long as they're in their seats, you can drive away a short distance (inside the same lot? Just in the next lot over?) and stop there to buckle them in. Just don't crash in-between

That's the only thing I would add as well. You wouldn't have had to go far, just a couple spots away, but tht's hindsight.

I have four little ones, and I've been trying to buckle them in from inside the vehicle with the doors closed and locked. I hate having my back to the 'world'...
BALXX, princewally:

The group did not look threatening at first. If they had, I would have turned around with the family and spent more time in McD's until they dispersed. The presence of BW2 in the McD uniform was somewhat reassuring in that it was proof of gainful employment.

The uptick in volume was of concern, but did not seem so threatening as to require un-azzing the AO at speed. For instance, I did not hear any really inflammatory uses of pronouns, "YOU did this/that..." or "MY such and such was ruined..."

I was on watch for any increase in intensity and I would have likely done as suggested (kids in seats, bug out, strap down later) if any had appeared.

In the future, I do think that I will err more on the side of caution and practice the "kids in seats, bug out, strap down later" in the future. I can avoid any escalation in threat level over time that way as well as the "observer effect" I noticed by eyeballing the group.

I will continue replying with grins and (hopefully) disarming remarks in such situations, rather than my preferred verbal towel-snap. I am not willing to risk escalation to get someone's goat, now that I have dependents.
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