cool show about guns.

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I enjoyed that.

Consistent error of the people in that show who favored "gun control" (unilateral personal disarmament), was that they failed to separate the tool from the user. One woman even said how a car came through the neighorhood and shot people. Not one of the gun control proponents talked about the shooter in the bad things that happened. Sloppy talking, sloppy thinking and no solutions; only make things worse.
I didn't get good pro-rkba vibes from this video.

I watched it. Seems the whole point of the show was to convince the "gun nut" that he was wrong. A lot of Ms. Anti's assertions went unchallenged - such as implying that the folks at the range don't understand that they are handling deadly weapons, and not toys.

I felt that the conclusion implied that the Ms. Anti managed to nudge Gun Guy a little closer to The Truth and that Ms Anti's only concession was that not all gun owners are irresponsible idiots (and therefore might be converted to her point of view).

Gun Guy didn't have a lot to say in the defense of his guns - wonder if that bit ended up on the cutting room floor? I kept wanting him to ask "would you be happier if your friend had died in a messy car wreck?"

Also (serious question, really) ... was EVERY gun she referred to as a "machine gun" actually one?
It was a good watch admitedly.

I dunno about anyone else, but I lol'd when she cried at the skeet range
I think the program was a very informative in that it showed just how deep seated some of the anti-gun folks fears and emotions are.

Ever try to convert an anti-gun person to gun acceptance, and then gun ownership? You will never do it if you fail to understand their fear and if you ridicule their emotional responses.
I liked the scene at the pistol range when they brought her target back in and she couldn't help grinning from ear to ear, but she did try to cover her smile with her hand. Then talking about it afterward she couldn't stop smiling.

I'm also glad they included the family with the story of using a gun in defense to stop a murderer's attack.
I'm also glad they included the family with the story of using a gun in defense to stop a murderer's attack.
About that family...... It would have been nice if they had spent a bit more time on it.

Jerry Hessler was on a murderous rampage when he was stopped by Doug Stanton. It is one of the best examples of why a person should carry a gun.

You can read Doug and Judy Stanton's story here.
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Two things really stood out in this video.

1) Many people may not look at the anti's view from a psychological standpoint. Her reaction the first time she fired a gun shows just how ingrained her fear of guns actually is, justified or not. Many people are afraid of something, and to those who are not afraid that fear can seem completely irrational, but to them it is very rational and real. I really like the fact that they didn't beat her over the head with facts and statistics and that they seemed to take their time getting her feet wet.

2) The one anti-lady in the park made a statement that actually is about as dumb a statement that one can make, rational fear or not. I can't remember her exact words but she said "It's not an issue of bad guys vs good guys, it's about public safety..." That's like saying polio isn't about virus' and cures.
I have to question the light that gun owners are seen in by this video. Why couldn't they pick an affluent gun owner living in a nice house? While I'm not disparaging the guys in this video, they tend to fit into the "Gun Nut in a Trailer" stereotype. Why not the "Lawyer with Perazzis" or "Business Owner shooting in USPSA"?
One statement from one of the interviewees near the end floored me. It showed her true bias as being that of hating guns, labeling them as the sole source of evil. She said, as best as I can recollect, "...have to stop looking at it as a good-guy-bad-guy thing."

I took it to mean that we should look at guns as the sole source of evil and shouldn't even look at the criminals perpetrating evil with them, or that some people use guns for good. Maybe she thinks there would be no evil without guns, therefore, good people wouldn't need guns.


Sorry, I'm such a slow typist and spend so long composing that I didn't see your post 'till after I posted mine. But, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to catch her statement.

I saw this when it first aired on TV. At the time, I thought it was reasonably well-presented, though the pick of her host was too much like the other side stereotypes the typical gun enthusiast. It's kind of like saying everyone south of the Mason-Dixon looks, acts, and talks like Larry the Cable Guy.
She could have done more to indicate that gun owners come from all walks of life, including single people, college-educated people, families that are still intact, churchgoers, etc..
Did anybody else catch in the beginning where she is talking about her "friend" who was shot was not just a therapist but *her* therapist?

One of the first things to come to my mind was that we start right off knowing she's got some issues serious enough to see a therapist about in the first place. Ironic, that for all the stereotypes about gun owners being the one's who are disturbed and "scared" (that "scared" bit is even in the show) in this case the anti is the one who starts right off as the "disturbed" one.

And it couldn't have been just because her friend was shot, because she was her therapist before that incident.
ConstitutionCowboy: Like you, I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who caught that. I mean, I can completely understand how the general public can have an ambivalent attitude towards firearms, but to make such a completely ridiculous statement like that is...well, ridiculous. I don't understand how she could come up with that conclusion, it just doesn't make sense. Oh well...

Another thing that I caught that I wish had been addressed was how she could seperate the fact that in the hands of LE and military that firearms are a good thing needed to protect against criminals, but that they are just evil killing machines to everyone else with no usefull purpose other than to kill.

I wish the family that she was staying with had better information to counter some of her unfounded "facts" that she was bringing up. Things such as how many people a day were killed, how she had never heard of anyone ever protecting themself against a BG. I could care less that the family lived in a mobile home, I would have preferred that the family be better educated to counter the things she was spitting out.

It could have gone better, but it could have gone worse as well. At least she had some experience with the other side.
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