Cops (the TV show)

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Mar 17, 2008
I was watching COPS tonight, and yes I know it's a show for entertainment. However, I could see how a couple of the situations could be replicated anytime to anyone.

Scenario 1: Cops find Ar-15 on a guy and make a big deal about it being loaded with hollowpoints. :what:

Scenario 2: Deputy makes a big deal about a round being in the chamber and "ready to go". :eek: Just like his gun I'm sure.

I know they only show the stops that have bad guys, but I could see a lawful citizens being harassed in the same manner over guns in the same state of readiness.
You have to think about it from the officers view point.

Also, a lot of officers are not familiar with weapons, as surprising as that may seem.

Cops shows things in a way to put the police in the best light. With one exception,I've NEVER seen them put private firearms ownership in a good light. The exception was one where a homeowner disarmed the bad guy and turned his own gun on him.

In my state a cop can check your chamber on a rifle or shot gun to ensure it's unloaded in your vehicle. It's to keep the poachers honest. If a cop got froggy about my guns I'd ask to see my lawyer right away.
You have to think about it from the officers view point.

I agree with the idea that many police are ignorant about firearms, but I don't see now 'think about it from the cop's perspective' comes into play at all here.

If we look at it from a cop's perspective...
Cop is issued hollowpoints...other people have hollowpoints.

Cop carries with round in the chamber...other people will often have a round in the chamber
You have to think about it from the officers view point.

If he's wrong, his "view point" is wrong.

Telling me I shouldn't carry effective ammunition, or to have my firearm in an immediate state of readiness is as wrong as telling me to use diesel in my gasoline powered automobile or to mix a martini using methyl alcohol.
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