Coryell County Texas

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I just got back to this thread.

Considering the fact the the Sheriff's signature is attesting to my trustworthiness, I think anybody with demonstrable virtues, like 21 years military service, should at least rate an interview.

Entitlement is not in play here, I have paid a price that many 21 year olds refuse to even consider. If they can in some other way demonstrate their trustworthiness, they too should rate an interview.

My point is that I just don't think it is right to be lumped together with somebody having unknown credentials in an across-the-board refusal to consider. If that is 'juvenile" of me, so be it.

falmike, I agree with everything you said. Having read this entire thread, I didnt think you were seeking entitlement. My local sheriff didnt need anything other than a pen to sign my paperwork and thats all any of them should need
Do a trust, then go pay the fine Sheriff a visit and explain what he has done; taken the opportunity to KNOW who is getting them and tossed that away by forcing a process whereby he will NOT know who is getting them.

And, explain the same thing to the police chief if you decide to interview with him.

Very wise words. Contact David Goldman of the Apple Law Firm in Jacksonville, FL - he will do a GOOD NFA trust for you in all 50 states, along with local counsel in your area to review it for you, all for $600.
My point is that I just don't think it is right to be lumped together with somebody having unknown credentials in an across-the-board refusal to consider. If that is 'juvenile" of me, so be it.

I understand your frustration. I think the fact that you are frustrated by the situation causes people to misread what you said.

I can relate. I have not served and I respect you and thank you for doing so. I have, however worked with the government for many years and obtained countless clearances. I've also undergone background checks galore and my fingerprints are on file with many local, state and federal databases. My job requires me to have a clean record. I would think that I would get an interview, as well. But in my county, it is a resounding "across the board NO" just as you stated in your county. It is frustrating that I can't even get an audience and at least argue my point. My point is moot, because the sheriff doesn't care. He's stated it publicly before. I've also seen instances where he denies gun permits here. A person can meet all requirements here, but final approval is still under the sheriff's thumb. In the cases where he turns down otherwise qualified individuals, the reasons stated were almost always "questionable character." No amount of arguing, written request, verbal request or character witness testimony help. Once he shoots them down, it's almost as if their arguing about it furthers his point.

As others have said, a living trust is the answer. It's popular and most law enforcement people are familiar with it, so no need to be scared. Just keep that paperwork handy in the safe, with copies stored elsewhere. You can google around and find a gunshop/pro-gun lawyer in your area that will be happy to set this up as it is a fairly common thing to do.
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