Cost to manufacture guns...

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May 26, 2007
I have been wondering about this for a while. It's especially been on my mind lately as it seems gun prices have been rising. What does it cost to manufacture a gun? Mainly semiautomatics. I know the markup on guns is out of the stratosphere..:eek:
Manufacturing cost is merely one component of the retail price suggested by the manufacturer. Manufacturers have many costs which may not be reflected in a simple analysis of an individual gun's manufacturing expense. Also, they may have a marketing strategy for which pricing is an important component. Who knows. Fortunately, we have lots of choices, i.e., competition, which is good for the consumer.
noskilz- You brought up good points that I wasn't even thinking about. I was just wanting to know about the manufacturing costs though. :D But you are right though, it is great to have choices.
Simple materials cost isn't enough to calculate the true cost of manufacturing a firearm.

There are recurring overhead costs including buildings, insurance, utilities, salaries, healthcare, accounting, administration, taxes, etc. Then there are the non-recurring costs like R&D costs, machinery, molds, dies, etc.
Then there are the marketing costs, packaging, transportation...

It may take several hundred thousand to millions of $ in expenses before the first gun makes it to your hands. Costs must be averaged into each firearm before profits can even be thought about.
I heard from a Glock rep that the manufacturing cost of a Glock is 37 dollars.

But yes, that is only part of the cost.

Even "manufacturing cost" is a hard one to necessarily know. Are you including ... some amortized cost for the land / factory? For the labor that goes into one pistol? Electricity to light the factory etc, and run machinery? Some percentage to account for manufacturing defects?

It would be very expensive to make one gun (in any modern factory), because you have to get to having the modern factory :) THAT cost then has to get distributed over sold items, and a lower-output / specialty company has to spread that giant expensive over far fewer items sold. If it costs $1 million dollars to build and operate your factory (sorry for the crazy number and low details, just an example), and you make one million guns, each of them has to absorb a dollar of the cost of the factory. If it's $10 million, and 10 guns, each has to absorb a million dollars.

The more details you provide about what sort of gun's manufacture you'd like an estimate for, the more likely someone will be able to chime in with relevant figures.

I heard from a Glock rep that the manufacturing cost of a Glock is 37 dollars.

I can believe that. No designer was hired...
Being a tool and die maker for too many years I figure that if I wanted to I could build a 10-22 in about 30-40 hours. That does not include the barrel since I do not have a way to rifle the bore nor making the magizine since they are plastic or the stock since I am not a stock maker;). At a shop rate of $80 an hour NOT counting the use of the approx. $100,000 worth of machines I would have used needless to say it would cost quite a bit to make one.
I will just let the pros build them for me.:)
Ahhhh, okay, I get it now. noskilz - I see what you were saying better now. The other posts helped put things in better perspective to me. Thanks to all! :D
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