Costco goes Criminal Protection Zone!

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Costco Upper Management Are Democrats

Just in case you hadn't noticed, Costco's corporate office is in an area that is heavily Democratic. When they were forced to put the Swift Boat folks in their book department, they put Clinton on the isles and at the front of the store and then carried a number of poorly selling anti-Bush books, including one that duplicated the "Unfit" cover. This confused the buyers of the Swifties book. I understand that they give generously to the Democratic party, but have no direct first hand experience. In other words, Walmart leans right and Costco to the left. You make your decision when you shop at their store. I went through a phase when I would not buy Chinese. Well, that included almost every item in Walmart. Not a big loss, I was in my late forties when I first visited a Walmart. You can write the CEO. I understand that he is very sensitive to what members think. Here in California they don't need a sign. The local governments disarm the good folks.
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