Crime Stoppers

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Mar 14, 2008
South Florida
Palm Beach Fl. Crime Stoppers has started A new program. If you call them to report anyone carrying A gun And An arrest and conviction is made you get A $500. reward.
I am carefull about keeping my gun concealed but things do happen. I wonder how the Police are going to handle these calls. I often notice people carrying but I look for it. now more will be looking.
you can get A CCW in fl. I have had one for about 20 years. I still do not want to be hassled because some idiot sees it and calls Crime Stoppers.
Open Carry is more or less verboten in Florida unless you are in the woods or on the water (Huntin' or fishin'), yet it is very easy to get your CCW License, even for non-residents. (See my website for details.)
I'm not clear on whether this is targeting guns possessed by those who are forbidden (felons, minors, etc.), NFA guns, guns legally owned but illegally carried (such as without a license), or all of the above. The local news report didn't say.
Incidentally, this is in the city of West Palm Beach, which has a notable street crime and gang problem, not the town of Palm Beach, which does not.
Palm Beach is one of those 'haves' and 'have nots' kind of areas when I've been there for various reasons. Every morning when I watched the news there was a report of a shooting.
That would create a lot of hassle for a legal CCW-er who inadvertently exposed or "printed" his or her gun. :rolleyes:

Apparently this Palm Beach has a polypragmonocracy (tyranny of busybodies) form of government.
polypragmonocracy (tyranny of busybodies) form of government

Well, barely 8 am on a Sunday, and I've learned my new thing for the day. :) Guess I can go mow now :(

Seriously, reminds me of many homeowner's associations. Way to intrusive, and think you're an idiot for realizing that since their just 'protecting' your private property values by taking your rights to that property????
I ment to say Palm Beach county. Not Palm Beach.
There are just as many crooks on Palm Beach As there is In the rest of the county. On Palm Beach the crooks use Lawers not guns.
Give it a week, the cops will get tired running to these calls (as if they didn't have enough real work). It's all political BS.
Call Crime Stoppers on every cop you see. Man with a gun at Dunkin' Donuts. White male, 6 feet, black shirt, black pants, black hat, sunglasses, high-capacity semiautomatic handgun with extra ammunition. Also had some sort of radio device. said:
I've never heard of anyone in Florida being arrested or hassled by the authorities for inadvertently allowing his/her weapon to be seen.
What is the policy of local LE if someone makes a "man with a gun" call? Surely someone would be dispatched to investigate. Since the police are merely performing their duty, they would not be "hassling," but it would certainly be a hassle for the person on the receiving end.
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This could be quite lucrative.

Let's say the fine for inadvertant "outing" of your weapon is $200.

If you call Crime Stoppers on yourself from the Shell station, "Hey there's a guy wearing a red shirt in the Shell station over on main street carrying a gun."........

....and the cops show up and arrest you for open carry (which I do believe is a misdemeanor there. I'm unsure), you could plead guilty and pay the $200 fine.

Then, Crime Stoppers would have to pay you $500, right? After all, you called the cops on someone who was arrested and convicted of carrying a gun.

You'd be $300 to the good.

Ref TLH's post above . . .

From Jeff Cooper's Commentaries

The following is a quote from that page: (emphasis mine)
In looking for a proper term for the tyranny of the busybody, one of our pernicious current social problems, I consulted with our associate Greek scholar, Jan Libourel, who is an editor for Petersen Publications. Jan took his advanced degree at Oxford and should know about such things. It turns out that the Greek term for a busybody is polypragmaton. If you tag "ocracy" onto the end you get a big one - polypragmonocracy. It is used to denote a social condition in which people charge madly around tending to other people's business. This is rife in the US today, but it is even worse in England, where the Brits, who have no Bill of Rights, are continuously passing garbage regulations infringing upon the behavior of the private citizen. As I understand it, you even have to have a national permit to acquire a pet. The human race got along for centuries without this concentration on regulation of all phases of life. There are some cases of this in classical Athens, and of course, we have the example of the Puritans in New England, but generally speaking, respectable behavior was a private matter, not reasonably actionable by law. Certainly throughout the world we have far too many people, and "percentage-wise" that means we have too many lawyers. When you have too many people and too many lawyers you have polypragmonocracy.

Nice to see that we have well-read members aboard.

I don't see a huge problem here. If it is concealed, you have no problem. If the cops stop you because someone saw you printing, the conversation is going to be short unless you left your license at home. In any case, this could happen even without the Crimestoppers program.
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